My New Favicon: What Do You Think?

Hey everyone. Have you noticed my new favicon (the little picture to the left of my blog’s url address in your browser bar)?, the best free blogging service by far, now offers blog images, which double as favicons. You can upload your own image from the Settings menu (top left of the dashboard next below the Support tab).

My quandry is I really think I should redesign the header to match it. I designed this a long time back, before I really realized favicons weren’t possible for wordpress. So I can’t hunt down the cross image I used for this, to use in redesigning my header, so I may have to redesign everything.

I added a larger version of the favicon at the top of my sidebar (not quite as large as the one in this post). For now I’ll leave it like this. But I may get the designer in me going again.

So I thought I’d ask: What do you think of the current blog header? Or theme? Does it jive with the favicon? Should I change it? Are you happy with everything as is? (I know I tend to change things up around here too often….) I’m interested in your thoughts. Thanks.

14 thoughts on “My New Favicon: What Do You Think?

  1. Unfortunately, that’s the rub. I can’t change the colors without changing the theme…. If I changed the header, my thoughts are the colors of the favicon sort of match the theme of my blog. But then if the header is something people really like, I could design a favicon off of that maybe…. Just thinking out loud. Thanks for the input!

  2. How did you get the header there? If uploaded, you can change the original and re upload. Blogger has a feature where you can change the colors and fonts of the blog within any theme. WordPress probably does as well…I’ll make up a bolg and go see and let you know…*: )

  3. blogger has more flexibility in themes, but not as many cool features as WP. Anymore its a toss up between them, but I can’t desert WP now. If I pay I can edit themes more. Certain themes can change colors. This one doesn’t.

    I’m debating changing the header or not. I’ll probably end up changing that and trying again to find the cross graphic I used to make the Favicon. Maybe I’ll make a new favicon. It looks sort of right with the current theme, but then it isn’t quite right. It’s better than no favicon, so until I have time….. Thanks again for discussing this. I’ve tried to stretch the limit on WP for a while now. This post will show you the various themes I’ve used over the years. (3 years now)

  4. Yeah, I checked it out…they really don’t want you to get too creative with style…*: ) Probably the easiest is the new favicon. How did you make the favicon. Is it changed into a jpg. Or is it the original file? If the file is original and the image elements only locked, you can unlock and then recolor with that nice teal blue in place of the red letters.

    You can remake easily with Publisher, or with Power Point, or even open the picture with paint and change the colors there. Searching for the graphic would be time consuming…

    Anyway…I now have a secret WordPress Blog…*: )

  5. You know, changing the favicon is probably easier. I can try it with paint. I have a .bmp and .jpg version. I don’t have the original publisher file (don’t know why I deleted it….).

    Thanks. WP has a few limitations but it is easier to manage and update then Blogger by far….

  6. . . . as I was saying, in my humble opinion, compared to your previous designs, this one seems to be a bit of a step backward. The color scheme on the icon seems a little flat, but it does have a certain august or retro quality to it. But there’s something to be said for retro if that’s the direction you want to overhaul the whole scheme.

    As for the technical details you’ve been discussing with the other guys above, you know me better than that! 😉

  7. John,

    Does this blog design go backward or does the favicon design go back? I agree my favicon was designed with an earlier blog design in mind. Do you think I should chuck this theme and look for another one?

    I’m tempted to eventually take the plunge into owning my own site like Shaun above.

    Thanks for the input.

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