My New Favicon: What Do You Think?

Hey everyone. Have you noticed my new favicon (the little picture to the left of my blog’s url address in your browser bar)?, the best free blogging service by far, now offers blog images, which double as favicons. You can upload your own image from the Settings menu (top left of the dashboard next below the Support tab).

My quandry is I really think I should redesign the header to match it. I designed this a long time back, before I really realized favicons weren’t possible for wordpress. So I can’t hunt down the cross image I used for this, to use in redesigning my header, so I may have to redesign everything.

I added a larger version of the favicon at the top of my sidebar (not quite as large as the one in this post). For now I’ll leave it like this. But I may get the designer in me going again.

So I thought I’d ask: What do you think of the current blog header? Or theme? Does it jive with the favicon? Should I change it? Are you happy with everything as is? (I know I tend to change things up around here too often….) I’m interested in your thoughts. Thanks.