Reminding Ourselves of the Cross

Sunday Mediations — posts encouraging us all to meditate on the things of our Savior, on His day.

The Gospel isn’t just for those who are outside of Christianity. Christians must remind themselves and others of the beauty of the Gospel, day in and day out. This is how we live. We need the Gospel.

Listen to C.J. Mahaney (of Sovereign Grace Ministries) in a recent post on the importance of preaching the gospel to ourselves:

We awaken each day with a tendency to forget that which is most important: the gospel. All of us should assume this tendency and be aware of this tendency. Because of the Fall and due to the effects of remaining sin, we have a daily tendency and temptation to forget stuff in general and to forget that which is most important in particular.

Assuming this tendency, we must create practices that will enable us to remember what we must not forget””the cross. So each day I seek to spend time in a location where I am not distracted, unhurriedly reading and meditating on Scripture and finding my way in Scripture to a hill called Calvary to meditate each day on Christ and him crucified. Each day I need to remind myself of the gospel. I cannot live on yesterday’s recollection of the gospel. I need to review and rehearse the gospel each day or I will assume the gospel, forget the gospel, and prove vulnerable to all manner of temptation and sin.

Take these words to heart. And for some great book recommendations, read the rest of C.J. Mahaney’s post.

One thought on “Reminding Ourselves of the Cross

  1. Thanks, Bob. That hit the spot. I was on my way to church this morning thinking something very similar. That verse in Psalms that goes “…early will I seek thee.” and that reminded me of the hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy” where it goes, “..early in the morning our song will rise to thee.”

    What I mean by all that is that it jibes with your meditation today. One simple, practical, obvious way to eshew temptation is to set our affections on God right away, first thing, before the flesh and the world and the devil get thier bids in.

    Great quote, too. Blessings on this Lord’s day to you my friend!

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