Advertising on Fundamentally Reformed: An Update

I wanted to make my readers aware of some advertising they’ll be seeing around my site. I use the Beacon Ad Network to bring quality, wholesome, Christian advertising to my readers. The revenue I’ll be raising won’t be very much, but it will help me recoup some of the costs of hosting and operating the site.

I’m aiming for the advertising to be unobtrusive and tame. I hope it blends in to my overall site design and that it also can be noticed and bring the advertisers people who are interested in their products.

Let me thank publically for being the first official advertiser on my site. If you scroll down past this post you’ll see their 468 x 60 (pixels) ad. I encourage you to visit their site, and see their offer on quality web hosting.

I have long thought my site would be perfect for authors or Christian publishers to advertise new books that would be of interest to my audience. Christian ministries or vendors may also fit my site well. Current advertising options are as follows:

6 – 125 x 125 (pixels) ads in the top right of my sidebar – $12 per 30 days. (these can be combined to make 250 x 125 or 250 x 250 ads also)

2 – 468 x 60 (pixels) ads below the first post on all blog pages – $22 per 30 days

I’m currently averaging around 11,000 ad impressions a month. I still have lots of space available (the sponsors in my sidebar are sample ads). Click here to purchase advertising through my account at Beacon Ads. Feel free to contact me about other possibilities or with any questions.