Jesus is Alive – Shai Linne

I thought I’d start out my blogging this year with something fun. I’ve been shown this video clip a few times now, and I thought it would be great to share it with you all.

Shai Linne is a Christ-centered, reformed rapper. The lyrics to this song will challenge and encourage you. I encourage you to give it a try, you’ll find that holy hip hop isn’t so scary. Especially the variety that Shai Linne and Timothy Brindle and company dish out. Check out their label: Lampmode Records.

9 thoughts on “Jesus is Alive – Shai Linne

  1. Was it what you were expecting, when you heard it described as holy hip hop? I know when I first heard Shai Linne’s Solus Christus Project and some songs from Voice’s Progression, I was very surprised by what Christian hip hop music really sounds like.

  2. I almost hate to admit it: While I wouldn’t buy it for myself, it might come in quite handy in a jail ministry. The message is powerful, the words are pretty deep, too! Actually better in that rspect than most current CCM!!

    If it gets through the hard heads of these poor deceived and distracted “gangsta” types, then it is a great example of good overcoming evil. My only concern is that people would get caught up in the rythm and not really listen to the words. Definitely needs the video for what my “old man” opinion is worth.

  3. I like the video too, Prodigal. You can go to you tube and search for shai linne, and see other videos hearing other songs by him, as well. He makes a point to make his lyrics available online at lamp mode records, and the more you listen to this style of music the more you can hear the lyrics and get the message even without the video. I forgot to mention that Timothy Brindle, one of Linne’s friends, has an album with the very worldly-popular title: Killing Sin. I agree that this kind of music lends itself to being more easily used for doctrinally rich, theological material. It’s kind of like sermons set to rhyme with a beat.

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