Christless Christianity

When I came across Alex Chediak’s post on Michael Horton’s new book: Christless Christianity, I had to wonder if this is not primarily to blame for Ray Boltz’s fall. In so many ways, American Christianity has become a man-centered mess. I started (not sure if I totally finished it) a series on this issue in the past, you can find my last post here (which links to all the posts in the series).

Look to my Vodpod widget on my sidebar and watch the 5 minute video clip of Horton explaining why he thinks American Christianity has become Christless. This is a book that’s now at the top of my wish list!

5 thoughts on “Christless Christianity

  1. You might interested in learning about Eastern Orthodoxy. It has not evolved into the man-centered religion like western (especially protestant) Christianity. I have never been to a more Christ-centered church in my life!

  2. I like to call it the country club mentality of doing church where people go to church for what they can get out of it and for the social or networking aspect. If that is all that church is then we could have e-church. We could set up a facebook group and call it church even. I have to admit I haven’t read this book, but I do recognize the trend, and wonder if it isn’t a large part of why people are stepping out of Christian service so that they can sit in the services at church.

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