I'm Famous

I guess I’m famous. Anyone being interviewed is right?

Shaun Tabbat, who also attends Bethlehem Baptist, recently interviewed me. I’ve just recently met Shaun and discovered we have many similar interests. I think you’ll enjoy this little interview. If I can get away with it, I might borrow his concept and start interviewing some of my favorite bloggers (er, Biblio-Bloggers, that is).

Now it’s off to the Minnesota State Fair for the day….

8 thoughts on “I'm Famous

  1. Ok, Bob who we love…it’s time to stop being famous now…We need to be encouraged by your very loving words….about Jesus of course…*: )

  2. Ha, Now I see we two things in common, (going by the info in your interview that is) we are both MKs (thailand in my case) and we both have 4 kids about the same age…

    Joshua C

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