An Update, Another Update, and More Updating

Update 1 — I’ll be traveling a lot the next few weeks and so posting will be infrequent, however I’m taking my laptop with me.

Update 2 — I am not forsaking the blog. I transitioned to another job within my company that has a different schedule, which makes blogging a little harder for me. But I believe I can keep at it, even if my time for reading other blogs goes down, hopefully I’ll be able to focus on some of my own blog projects which need completing.

More Updating — With the new schedule, I am updating some other blogs of mine.

I’m changing Kingdom Surge to focus more on linking to good articles on missions, and in the process I’m converting the blog over to, which should make updating that blog a whole lot simpler. The conversion process will take a while (since I have to manually import each old post), but I’m adding new posts to the blog in the meantime. This deletes my old Huckabee blog, by the way.

And I plan to not forget totally about my KJV Research blog. I recently posted to it for the first time in a while. Speaking of “a while”, it’s been an eternity since I updated my family photo blog. We’ll see about that one…

Well now that you’re up to speed, you can eagerly await my next post. Maybe you can guess when it will appear? I don’t know. Thanks for reading, in any case!

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