Huckabee 1st in the Nation?! Go Huckabee!

Mike Huckabee is now 1st in national Republican Primary Polls (Rasmussen Reports) [picture above borrowed from Huckabee’s website]! He’s a close second in two other national polls (details here).

I’ve got more to say on Huck, but for now, let me point you to my Huckabee blog: Go Huckabee! I compile links, videos and other posts relating to Huckabee there. You can also see the latest posts on that blog in the sidebar of this one.

Go Huckabee!

Before I go, one more link. Be sure to read my assessment of why Huckabee can win the General Election.

6 thoughts on “Huckabee 1st in the Nation?! Go Huckabee!

  1. In all honesty, when I saw you start supporting Huckabee a number of months ago I thought “Well, he seems great, but he doesn’t stand a chance.” Let’s just say I’m very pleasantly surprised to see that he has gained so much ground in the past few months. I would say his performance in the debates has greatly helped him so far, no? I am less than enthusiastic about the other current candidates for president, so I am thrilled to see him leading the race for the Republican nominee. (By the way, his campaign commercial with Chuck Norris has got to be the best campaign ad I have ever seen.)

  2. Fitzage,

    by all means support the candidate you think is best in the primaries.


    In one sense I felt the same way. He’s got no chance so I better try to blog for him and help as much as I can. But I felt if only the conservatives could unite around Huckabee as a viable alternative to Guliani, he’d have a chance.

    Romney has never seemed very genuine to me. He may very well be, but all the flip-flopping and political spins he does, make me think he cares mostly for votes. I don’t get that feel with Huckabee.

  3. I second Casey. I kinda feel like an insider since I have followed his campaign since you started blogging about him! My husband hadn’t even heard of him just a month or two ago! Now it looks like I had some amazing foresight – but you get the credit, Bob!

  4. The Christian right (and other fed up conservatives) are supporting Mike Huckabee, but the right’s pundits are not flocking to support him, and many of them are actually trying to derail him. Case in point:

    Rush’s Hit-Piece on Huckabee (stick with it, audio of Rush)

    Something is very very very very wrong with this picture. Bottom line: The best candidate for the Republican nomination is Huckabee.

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