Quadrupling Contributions for Huckabee

Everyone knows money is key in today’s politics. If you can’t raise the Almighty Dollar, you’ll never be in a position to influence it.

For Mike Huckabee, money is the only thing keeping him from being a truly viable, top-tier Republican candidate. Since his strong 2nd place finish in the Iowa straw poll, Huckabee’s campaign has vaulted ahead—gaining ground in state polls around the country, and more importantly gaining name recognition and media attention.

Contributions have increased as well, but all the Huckabee lovers out there are still holding their breath. Will Huckabee have raised enough money to make a strong enough statement?

Every contribution counts, especially now. That’s why I’m so thrilled about a great new opportunity for Huckabee donors.

If any of you can afford to give just $20, you can effectively quadruple your contribution. K Street Mole for Huckabee is offering to donate $50 bucks to Huckabee for everyone who joins Team Huckabee with their $20.08 donation. Kevin Tracy also has an offer of matching all Huckabee contributions in the third quarter by 50%. That’s $10.04 more for a grand total of $80.12!

There is a slight catch, however. K Street requires you to also 1) prominently display a Huckabee sign or sticker [I’m sure a virtual sign/blog banner might count too], and 2) write a letter to “a well-known pundit or media source to give Huckabee top-tier coverage” [I’m sure writing your local newspaper editor might count too]. And then you need to read all the details for how to document that you’ve met the requirements. You’ll also need to leave a comment anywhere on Kevin Tracy’s blog specifying that your donation was AFTER visiting his blog, and request his match.

This is your chance. If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines, getting excited about Huckabee’s campaign, step out and make your contribution now. You can stick with the $20.08 donation, or give more. Remember Kevin Tracy’s 50% match is in effect for the rest of this month only.

And if you’re worried about writing that letter, I’m sure that K Street Mole could provide guidance/help, or I could even offer some assistance. Band together with me and rally for our candidate to be heard. Let’s not let the media and the powers that be exclude Huckabee just because he’s not a millionaire businessman or a popular actor (think Romney and Thompson).

Don’t forget to follow my new tumble blog for the latest on Huckabee’s campaign!

5 thoughts on “Quadrupling Contributions for Huckabee

  1. Thanks for the coverage! The reason we only match the donations of people who come after the end of the quarter is because we like to see what impact our website is having on the campaign. Our readers helped us raise over $10,000 for governor Huckabee last quarter.

  2. Thanks for the coverage too. I’ve just updated the post to simplify the challenge a little, and linked to another pro-Huckabee blog that will help readers with the letter writing campaign.

    (Went to a Reformed college myself and grew up on a steady diet of Abraham Kuyper, which I guess is why I take a more idealist/activist view of politics than my friends who have cynically jumped on the Fred Thompson train.)

  3. I have yet to see a Huckabee bumper sticker in east Tennessee. However, I have seen quite a few Fred Thompson stickers (not surprising) and even more Ron Paul stickers. Maybe the revolution is for real.

  4. Man, it’s easy: just vote Ron Paul. Huckabee has been raising taxes, advocating government solutions to things for his entire career. Ron Paul, on the other hand, is a true small government conservative.

    And that’s in line with the vision of the Church: a voluntary association that, among other things, helps out those who need it. And all without tax money, without cash that’s extracted forcibly from people like you and me, who are quite capable of figuring out on our own how to spend it.

    That was Jesus’ philosophy too. When Zacchaeus converted, what happened? The state lost one more employee. He stopped being a tax collector and made restitution to those he had wronged.

    And that effect is what Ron Paul is going to achieve if he gets enough votes. Out with the IRS, out with the tax collectors. We can do our part, of course. But first we have to believe that a tax collector needs to repent. Jesus believes it; why shouldn’t we?

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