I Can Schmooze

Schmooze — to “talk idly or casually and in a friendly way” (4th result at dictionary.com)

I am honored to be the recipient of the award you see here on the right. I guess this makes it official: I can schmooze!

I wish I could say that my schmoozing talents have gotten me somewhere in life, but they haven’t (yet). I guess they have helped my blogging, but then my blog is not all that much to speak of. But I digress.

The award was created by Mike (at Ordinary Folk) and Danielle (at Pink Reviews) to help “recognize those people that were [are] exceptionally adept at creating relationships with other bloggers by making an effort to be part of a conversation, as opposed to monologue“. So that makes this reward more of an honor than an insult.

I do a good job of interacting, as the comments here attest. Although some of that is due to the controversial nature of some of the posts around here! Anyways, let me officially thank Casey (at Casey’s Critical Thinking) for honoring me with this award.

Now I’m allowed to choose 5 others for this award. Before I do, let me share the rules:

The rules:
If, and only if, you get The Power of Schmooze Award, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think, or have schmoozed you into submission. Link to this post and Mike & Danielle so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

Proudly display the “˜The Power of Schmooze Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

Now, for my list of 5. I’m giving these to the people who I seem to interact with them on their blogs and on mine the most.

First the honorable mentions:

If I could give one to a non-blogger, I’d give one to Larry Lawton. I’d also like to give one to Contend Earnestly, but I’ve only recently started interacting over there with Seth, in his interactive (& fascinating) Calvinism debate, and as of yet he hasn’t officially commented here.

Now for the winners:

  • John Chitty at The Misadventures of Captain Headknowledge. He is one of my most faithful commenters, and I find my way over to his blog a lot. He always has interesting posts and at least some discussion in the comments.
  • Jamsco at The Responsible Puppet. He’s always talking idly and casually in a friendly way. And he’s not out to gain anything either. His blog is interesting and varied, with the occasional attempt at a Calvinist debate. I chat with him at church on Sundays and Wednesdays, and we keep up with each other’s blogs too. I think you’ll find his blog interesting and often useful.
  • Brother Hank, and company over at The Journeymen. I’ve started reading this blog consistently, and commenting occasionally, over the last month or two. Hank is commenting off and on over here too. Their blog is all about blogging community, yet it has its own interesting and pertinent content as well. You gotta’ go check them out.
  • Will Dudding of The Reforming Baptist. Will hasn’t been over here as often lately, but he has been one of my most faithful commenters. I’ve kept up with his refreshingly honest and interesting blog. He’s a former Hyles-ish fundamentalist turned conscientious reformer. He’s worth a good read.
  • Last but not least, Ken & Don Fields from World from My Window. These guys are blogging friends who maintain one of the better conservative evangelical, theology-focused blogs out there. I interact occasionally with them on their blog, and they visit over here from time to time. If you haven’t seen their blog, you owe it to yourself to check them out. Tell ’em I sent you!

That does it. But now these blogs can pass the torch and nominate other worthy bloggers with the power of schmooze.AddThis Social Bookmark Button

18 thoughts on “I Can Schmooze

  1. Me? a “non-blogger”? Well, that is true. I really don’t have any interest in maintaining a blogsite of my own. I do like Bob’s, though, and the others that he mentions here. At times, though, I have to ‘duck’ since I’m one of those eeeeevil heretic Dispensationalists, though. (c:

    Only if I had a blog….. hmmmm….. well, there’s Pyromaniacs!

  2. Bob…
    It has been good to interact with you over at my blog…hopefully this will just the start of us getting some good discussions going. Just wait til I post on a certain subject coming up in the next couple of weeks…we’ll see how some people respond. I am always into taking the tough issues and just having a good chat about them so that we don’t get angry. I think it is absurd when people can’t talk about the most important thing, which is Christ and theology and how to live it out, without getting so miffed sometimes.

    Seems as though a lot in blogdom have no formal training in longsuffering and patience…


    Thanks for the nod though…we’ll continue to discuss many things I am sure.

  3. Yea, Larry, without a blog, you don’t count! 🙂

    I’ll tolerate you as long as you don’t carry a Left Behind book under your arm every Sunday morning…. JK

  4. Thanks, Seth. I’m enjoying your blog a lot lately with the debate and all. Looking forward to following it even after that.

    You deserved honorable mention at least with this award thing. I just had some other deserving friends a little bit ahead of you in the line. Glad you understand!

  5. Bob,

    Thanks for the mention. I always enjoy your input over at our blog and I am a faithful reader of yours who wishes you would post more often.

  6. Left Behind? I did read the series in its entirety, although I didn’t start reading the books until after the eighth book had already been written. It’s a good story, even though someone may disagree with the eschatology behind it. Tim Lahaye had written a more ‘substantive’ book about the eschatology behind the series. I just purchased a new book by John MacArthur titled “Because the Time is Near” and had recently finished “The Second Coming”. I could go into detail more, but…. this isn’t my blog!

    I have an idea… I can start my blog and call it…..

    “Fundamentally Deformed: Rambling Thoughts of an eeeeevil Dispensationalist and Cessationist scoundrel, and I’m Still A Fundamental Reformed Baptist!”

    I thought that got at least a couple of chuckles!

  7. Thanks, Don. I’m keeping up two blogs now, with my work at Kingdom Surge. I try to keep the posts churning.

    Now if I could only get more organized….

  8. Yes, John. You won!!! You can chose 5 winners yourself now, and post the graphic. If you do, just follow the rules above.

    Schmoozing along,


  9. Thanks for the mention! I have been busy with my new job as a full time pastor. I havn’t blogged as much as usual. I still check in though!

  10. Bob-

    You definitely deserve this award! And truly brother, I hope you realize the fruit that really comes from connecting people and blogs the way that you do here. Your blog is a warm and welcoming intersection of theology and hospitality, and I hope this latest honor reminds your readers of that very fact. I know it is difficult to address many of the issues that you do here, but I’ve been very encouraged by the consistent grace that you have shown in your posts and comments, and I look forward to seeing all that Lord has in store for you and the blog!

    Many thanks for the nomination!

    Bro. Hank

    (P.S. – I’ll be back in ‘blogging mode’ soon. I’m in the process of moving to Louisville, Ky right now (and actually writing this in a Day’s Inn near Little Rock, Arkansas – Three cheers for free hotel wireless!), so my posting has been scattered. But, good Lord willing, I’ll be back and blogging within the week.)

  11. Thanks for the kind words, Hank. I envy you! You’re moving to Louisville for Seminary, am I right?

    God bless you and yours. Looking forward to your blogging return.


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