With Friends Like These

One of the joys of blogging, is interaction with many new acquaintances. Virtual community, web camaraderie, electronic friendships — these are achieved in a very real sense. It is fun to meet new people as you gain readers, interact with comments, and interact on other blogs as well.

In part, this is what makes blogging, blogging. We could all just publish web pages with tons of content. But without the interaction, the appeal of blogging would wane.

Of course, part of the interaction and the thrill of blogging, is recognition from blog-peers, and the joy of being linked to. This along with a constant following of your blog stats (numbers of hits and page views), tend to encourage bloggers to be narcissistic and egotistical, and present a very real danger to a Christian blogger. Then again, a wider readership is part of the goal of blogs and even more so with theology blogs.

With these thoughts in mind, I want to publicly recognize the blogs that link to me. I appreciate the links, and really want to keep better track of those blogs. (Alas, the blogosphere has far too many good blogs to follow.) And since I find myself with such a large fan club, of sorts, I would be remiss not to recognize them.

Knowing I have many who tune in from time to time and listen to what I am saying is encouraging. It also helps keep me blogging, writing, and thinking. With my blog, many of you know that controversies and heated debates have been quite common. So especially in light of the blog wars and scuffles I can find myself in, it is nice to know I have some brothers and sisters who are cheering me on and benefiting from the debates and exchanges here.

So without further ado, let me provide a list of blogs which link to me. Those with asterisks below, have already spent time in my blogroll. The others, will now find a permanent home in the “Blogs That Like Bob” section of my sidebar. If I missed anyone, or if you have linked to me and want a reciprocal link.

19 thoughts on “With Friends Like These

  1. Thanks for the link to my blog – “Christ in all the Scriptures / The Theology of G C Berkouwer” – and for your lists of other blogs.
    You may be interested in a new blog I’ve just set up a few days ago. It’s called “Let’s share the Good News” (www.charlescameron.blogspot.com).
    This new blog is really a continuation of a blog called “Charles Cameron: Bible Reading Notes”. The Bible Reading Notes are on the “Christ in all the Scriptures / The Theology of G C Berkouwer” blog and the original “Christ in all the Scriptures” blog. (www.christinallthescriptures.blogspot.com).
    The posts on the “Let’s share the Good News” will focus on the theme of mission.
    Best Wishes.

  2. Thanks for mentioning your other blogs, Charles. I’ll have to check it out, especially since I’m starting a missions blog of my own here come 7/9.

  3. Capt’n,

    With friends like these, who cares about enemies! And with friends like these, a man feels blessed.

    Thanks for being one of my bloggin’ mates, John.



  4. one of the best…

    Great guy
    Theologically astute mind

    Take your pick!

    Did I say that blogging doesn’t necessarily help one progress in humility?

  5. Thanks again Bob! Your blog remains one of my favorites.

    Oh yeah, you might want to talk Dave into letting you borrow the Amazing Grace DVD he won during my contest!!

  6. Rhett,

    Yea, Dave told me he won. I had already ordered the DVD at that great rate over at NiceneCreed.

    Thanks for the fun of the contest, and telling us all about the discount.

    I enjoy your blog too Rhett. Keep up the good work.



  7. Bob,

    It’s been great to be a part of the same corner of the blogophere as you! Thanks for the link, and addition to the blogroll. The rest of the Journeymen and I will continue to visit often…and maybe even kick our shoes off and stay a while… 🙂

    Marching on’

  8. Hank,

    Thanks for stopping by. Let me tell you, I have been checking out your blog more and more of late. I’m going to be following it much more closely if I can.

    Blessings from the Cross,


  9. Thanks for mentioning me Bob…but did you have to include the Cap’n?

    Friendly blessings,

    ps. sorry cap’n

    Gage Browning
    Post Tenebras Lux

  10. Gage,

    Were the Cap’n to leave the blog-world, I predict you’d be saying, “O, Captain, my captain….”

    Gotta love you guys.



  11. Will,

    Technorati does that for you. For instance if you click here you can find Technorati’s list of links to my blog. You can easily sign up with technorati. They are the premier blog search engine. Once you sign up, they will track you, and you don’t even have to add any code to your blog unless you want to.

    Blessings brother,


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