Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, everyone. I thought I’d post about some of what’s been happening around here.

Recently our oldest daughter turned 4 years old. That is quite amazing to us. She is not a baby anymore. School is little more than a year away. And this was the age I was, when I first trusted Jesus. So we are all the more conscious of our responsibilities as Christian parents.

The number four has another meaning to us these days. We are expecting our fourth child. We have 3 girls; so we are hoping for a boy. Some may think less of us for being so undisciplined as to have four kids in a little more than 5 years, but we have determined to have as large a family as we are able to support for God’s glory. See my post, Christians, Contraceptives, and Children for more on that topic.

These thoughts about our responsibility as parents were deepened through an experience we shared yesterday. We survived a car accident which most likely totaled our only vehicle. We were going about 30-35 mph down a city street when a car pulled out in front of us hoping to cross in front of us. I didn’t see it coming until it was too late. Pray for a passenger in the other car who was ejected from the vehicle in the crash, and was taken to a hospital. Thankfully, we suffered no injuries and we have collision coverage on our insurance. We still can’t stop thinking about our near brush with tragedy. Our children are precious to us. May we be worthy stewards of them as we raise them for God’s service.

Finally, let us not forget to remember those who sacrificed for our freedom this Memorial Day. Praise God for the freedoms we enjoy in America. They truly are a foretaste of the complete redemption of the world, that Jesus and His Kingdom will effect one day. Until then let us be thankful and use our freedoms for the spread of Christ’s kingdom.

11 thoughts on “Happy Memorial Day

  1. Congrads on the new baby coming, and praise the Lord He spared you from the accident. A quick question for you, can you expond on the statement “Praise God for the freedoms we enjoy in America. They truly are a foretaste of the complete redemption of the world, that Jesus and His Kingdom will effect one day.”

    Thank you!

  2. Yes, we are more than blessed to be in the USA. Thanks for the “Memorial Day” post.

    My wife and I can only have our son, Simon. We sincerely desire to have more (we would hope to have three or more), but my wife’s Cerebral Palsy made us rethink during the time of my wife’s pregnancy with Simon a year ago. Simon’s birth was difficult even though it went well for a woman with CP, and we both are now in our mid 30’s agewise. Our hearts are wishing for more children, but even raising Simon is difficult for my wife since I already do many chores that she can’t do, and chasing a baby around our little house is something she no longer can do. Our choice to have me ‘get fixed’ later this summer was done reluctantly, and to the mild objection of our parents. At any rate, we are blessed to have our son Simon, and look forward to his growing up (and we pray daily that God will save him in Christ). Heavy thoughts, I know. It’s good that you (Bob) are able to have more children, Lord willing!

  3. Happy Birthday to Emily!
    Congratulations on your fourth! You’ll not hear criticism from me about your rate of reproduction. I’ve got five: two step daughgters (22 & 18), a son and daughter with my first wife (14 & 12) and one with my final wife (9).

    Sorry about your accident. I’ll pray for your family and your transportation.

    Memorial Day reminds me of that line from “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”: ” As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free”

    His truth is marching on!

  4. Thanks guys for the kind regards. Larry, I totally understand that their are medical and other personal reasons for limiting the size of your family. Jamsco, we are renting a car right now, we might get reimbursed from the other driver’s insurance. We’ll stay in touch.

  5. Jeff,

    My thoughts run something like this. Freedom and liberty are good. They reflect partially the total freedom and liberty God will provide when all the effects of sin are permanently reversed and the world is recreated as a new earth. Jesus is the only one who truly can set us free, although political freedom certainly helps us understand what freedom actually is.

    I balk at claiming America is a Christian nation. America is a pagan a-spiritual entity as are all human governments. We are privileged to have religious liberty in America, and indeed it is basically an anomally in the history of Christianity to not face fierce persecution.

    I welcome any further comments or interaction on this. I hope this explains where I am coming from, in part.

    Thanks and God bless,

    Bob Hayton

  6. Bob,

    I agree, America isn’t a “Christian nation”. I hope we’re not the only two who think this way.

    Another ‘monkey wrench’ to throw into the discussion is this: do one’s eschatological persuasions affect how/why one believes that the USA is a “Christian nation”? I would think that some preterists and reconstructionists may tend to believe that we are or should be. Speaking as a Dispensationalist, I am pessimistic about any man-made style of government, and look forward to when Christ comes back to set up His glorious millennial kingdom when He personally rules the earth!

  7. I agree. One’s eschatology informs one’s view of the idea of America as a “Christian Nation.”

    However, although I changed from Dispensational Premillennial to Amillennial, I have the same view that God’s Kingdom is not of this world, and even if a current geo-political nation were to adopt some theocratic form in the name of Christianity, it’s only “Christian” in the sense that it promotes our doctrine, although it is, by definition, a Kingdom that is “of this world.” That’s why I disagree with theonomic and preterist views. They seem to be the ones looking for a Kingdom of this World. In my view Christ is currently on the throne of David and the Kingdom of God is conquering the world through the gospel, even though the kingdoms of the world (the beast) and false religions (the false prophet) are fighting for Satan (the Dragon) to hinder the advance of the gospel, although he is “bound” to be unsuccessful in deceiving the nations!

  8. Capt. Headknowledge: I agree wholeheartedly.


    I, too, am praising God for his gracious protection. May he continue to bless you and your family with an ever-increasing knowledge of himself, as you press into the Kingdom!

  9. Glad you are all OK.

    Congrats on #4!

    We just found out we are going to be having a 4th child as well!!



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