Mike Huckabee on the Issues

My recent post in support of Mike Huckabee for President, has generated quite a bit of interest. I think that’s great. So I wanted to follow up by spreading the word about a great new resource I’ve discovered.

Brian McCrorie just pointed out a great new way to learn more about where Huckabee stands on the issues. Explorehuckabee.com has created a YouTube page with several short video clips (1-2 min.) of Mike Huckabee discussing issues such as immigration, health care, education, sanctity of life, marriage ammendment, national security, taxes/economy, etc.

Take a few minutes and check them out. Go over to explorehuckabee.com for more info, and then jump on the bandwagon and spread the word about Mike Huckabee! I fear his message will be lost in the shuffle of so many competing candidates. So join a grassroots effort, and blog for Huckabee! (Reminder: explorehuckabee.com makes it very simple to spread the word through blogging or email invites.)

The following video clip is an introductory clip, which may convince you to go watch the rest of the videos.

5 thoughts on “Mike Huckabee on the Issues

  1. Chosen,

    Thanks for directing my attention there. What follows are the comments I left over at that link.


    I recently posted in support of Huckabee. You can find several 1-2 minute clips of where he stands on the issues on this YouTube page, and you can find clips to many interviews at explorehuckabee.com.

    Anyways, someone dropped me this link to see what I thought about it. I think you are right to post about the interview, but I wouldn’t draw hasty conclusions from this.

    First off, he is not running for church office. You can see he avoided giving his personal opinion on women preachers. Whether or not he is for that doesn’t really affect his leadership in the civil sphere. He didn’t want to provide fodder for people to trash him or ridicule him over a position that seculars wouldn’t even understand.

    Secondly, remember the context. Is any candidate going to come out and say “Yes I believe (all) gays are going to hell!!” Not likely. Not without huge qualifications. Being a Baptist, I would think Huckabee would agree that practicing adulterers, and crooked businessmen, have an equal stake in the real estate down under with sodomites. The question was loaded. He sort of dodged it, but I think he was clear. Sinners go to hell, and gays aren’t the only ones who sin. Plus there are some gays who are saved and fighting the sin (like saved ex-porn addicts, or ex-adulterers). If people can committ adultery and not lose their salvation (as evidenced by their eventual repentance of that), the same goes for sodomy. So it is actually a false answer to say “yes”.

    Thirdly, I think you read too much into the floating softball question. He is trying to differentiate himself from the field. He is trying to say what he is about. What he chose to say does that. Reaffirming that he is pro life or something, wouldn’t have added something else the interview hadn’t already explained.

    Don’t judge a book by his cover. By all means research the candidates. Explore Huckabee. But don’t go by a question or two in a Newsweek article. Dig deeper than that please. I think Huckabee is good for America, and that he would do right in office. He would apply his faith, but not necessarily spiritualize everything into having America usurp the church’s role as “city on a hill”.

    There, I said it. Thanks for the article, though, as it causes us to think. May God bless our nation with a wise and Godly leader. And if He doesn’t may we continue to live out our faith in sincere ways, and realize heaven is our home. The Gospel is the ultimate good news, not any politician or president.

    Blessings in Christ,

    Bob Hayton

    PS One last thing (on reading thru some of the comments). Newsweek said this article was his attempt to win conservatives to his side. Maybe that isn’t what he inteded for it. He is showing he can reach across the aisle and stay true to his ideology. That alone differentiates himself. Rather than being quasi-prolife and reaching across the aisle. He is prolife and reaches across. Anyway, that’s my take.

  2. I am more bothered by people reading into the article so much, and then suggesting Huckabee is an “idiot” for his responses to some of the questions. From what I have seen, the man is certainly no idiot. Disagree with him, but don’t pretend you are the political expert.

  3. Bob,

    I was wondering if you watched the Republican Presidential Debate and what you thought of Huckabee? I liked him…although I’m not sure he has the charisma to be elected by Americans. I think Mitt Romney will fit into that mold. What do you think of Romney being a Mormon? Affect your vote? If these questions are to personal for the blog I understand…but definitely interested in your post-debate Huckabee views.

    In Christ,

    Bill (Kooz)

  4. Kooz,

    I don’t have cable. But I ended up watching most of it online Friday night.

    I agree Mitt Romney is very telegenic. Huckabee seems to have charisma too, but didn’t have the chance to answer the questions first like Romney did. If you watch some of the interviews of Huckabee he has humor and a quick wit, yet knows his stuff.

    Romney seems too likeable. He seems to waffle and go back and forth depending on what crowd he is speaking to. This is just my impression. He said in front of a bunch of hunters that he has hunted all his life, yet he never had a hunting license. I’ve gleaned here and there that some of the media are picking up on his waffling.

    I have no qualms about him being Mormon. That doesn’t really matter to me, as far as a president is concerned. Bill Clinton was a Southern Baptist, but that would not earn my vote.

    I thought Guliani stumbled a bit and didn’t do so well. McCain seemed very sharp. Although I’m leary of him, he is more centrist and I’m not sure how pro life he is. Also I don’t like the McCain-Feingold bill on campaign finance reform. That seriously hindered free speech and the voice of grassroots organizations.

    I agree that Romney will probably have the best chance of winning the party. I kind of wish Brownback or Huckabee would, though. So it can’t hurt for me to pull for Huckabee at this stage of the game. I would be much more comfortable with Romney than with Guliani or McCain, though.

    Thanks for the interaction. I’ll get back to blogging when I return from our trip (we leave later today and will get back on the 15th).

    Blessings In Christ,


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