Look Left

Yes, look left. You will see a new feature to my blog. Similar to Phil Johnson‘s (do I get all my good blogging ideas from him?) “Where I Am Right Now”, my “Blogging Around” section will give you the latest on what I’m reading and where  I’ve been  on the web. It will also  provide updates and programming notes for this blog. I’ll probably still do Bobspotted Blogrolls, but I am excited about what this new feature can offer this blog.

Now, as for the immediate future, I am painfully aware that my next Bible & the KJVO Debate post is not ready yet. So I hope to have it out Monday, Lord willing. But as you can see (if you look left), I have been busy blogging, just not here, and this post gives my good reason!

I’ve got nothing more to say. So, either check out the links on the left, or check back on Monday!