A Gospel-Centered Marriage

Some of you may know that my pastor John Piper has started a series on marriage. And this past Sunday’s message did a good job summarizing the previous 3 messages as he started his fourth.  I want to encourage you to listen to that message as it summarizes how the Gospel and the Glory of God are to impact our marriages.

Yes, it’s about marriage, but Piper covers a lot of ground with this message. And the exposition of Col. 3:12-14 is wonderful. He calls for forgiveness and forbearance in our marriages, and this is all to be rooted in an understanding of and participation in the gospel. I’m sure you’ll be blessed by this message.

Read it. Lisen to it. Watch it.  

Note: you can rightclick on the last two links and click “save target as” if you want to download it to your computer and listen/watch at a later time.