Prepare to Be Challenged!

Go over to The World From Our Window and get challenged! Don Fields just posted the 6th part in a series entitled “De-Programming the Church”. He has argued for less sermons per week, less music practice, less evangelistic programs, less bureaucracy, and now less age-graded segregation in teaching.  

All of these ideas are radical, and some might make you think Don is off his rocker. He is, but that is besides the point. All of his posts have sound Scriptural motivation, and while I might not want to be so extreme, I appreciate what he is saying and why.  

At the least these posts will make you think—and not just think, but think outside the box. And thinking is good! I encourage you to go check the series out. Just click on this link, where you will see the 6th part and also links to all of the previous 5 parts in the series.

These posts are prompting me to post on a radical position of my own. So stay tuned as I should get that radical post done sometime tomorrow. I hope it will add to the encouragement for us all to think outside of the box—outside of the traditions we all take so much for granted.

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 • Rom. 15:5-7

4 thoughts on “Prepare to Be Challenged!

  1. Thanks for the link and the mention! A whole post dedicated to me?!?! This is a first and probably a last. With that being said, I will forgive the the shot about the rocker. I have only fallen off my rocker once, and that was a looooooong time ago! 🙂 I am anxiously awaiting your “radical” post. I actually thought your views on beverage alcohol use and the Lord’s Supper were pretty radical.

  2. Interesting series.

    I agree with some of the modern church failures that Don points out, but I can’t say I agree as to all of his remedies.

    Indeed, American Christians fail to share the gospel with their neighbors/friends…but are evangelistic programs to blame?

    People fail to share the gospel because because they’re disobedient, not because they’re too busy.

    My feelings are the same with his other topics in the same series. I think he has ably pointed out the symptoms, but I consider his remedies incapable to really tackle the core problems.

    I do strongly agree with him on this: most churches keep their families way too busy – especially the church staff families!

    A little down-sizing goes along way. But only one sermon a week! I think my head would explode!

    Maybe my problem is I’m just an opinionated Baptist with too much to say! 😉

  3. Opinionated Baptist—er, Regler Joe,

    I agree that Don is a little too radical. But I think it is worht thinking through some of the concerns he expresses. That is why I think he challenges us, whether or not we follow him lock-step.

    Thanks for your input.

    God bless you brother,


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