God Chose a Boy Named David

At our church on Wednesday nights this summer, we have been meeting at a local park for hotdogs, worship, and teaching. Our executive pastor Sam Crabtree has been giving a series of lessons entitled “Behold Our God”. Each lesson looks at the life of an OT Bible character (usually from a time in their youth) and what we can learn about God from the life story of that character.

This past Wednesday night, we looked at the life of David, particularly his confrontation with Goliath. My oldest daughter Emily was very excited when she heard that we were going to sing the song “Only a Boy Named David”. We had just learned the song the night before in our family devotions, as we were going over the very same story.

After singing the song (if you are unfamiliar with this song, click here for  the words and here for an  example of the melody), Pastor Sam had us sing the tune to slightly different lyrics. They emphasized God’s role in the life of David. Pastor Sam has been emphasizing this summer that  the main character in any story is always God. He is the main character of the Bible–the Hero if you will. And He is also the Hero in the life story of each character in the Bible. He is  the main character/Hero in my life and yours, as well–even if we reject Him.

Well I just wanted to share these lyrics with you all, I hope they bless you and expand your thinking, resulting in greater worship of God.

God Chose a Boy Named David

God chose a boy named David
God chose a little sling
God chose a boy named David
To learn to pray and sing
God used a boy named David
God used a rippling brook
God used a boy named David
And five little stones he took

Then one little stone went into the sling
And the sling went ’round and ’round
Then one little stone went into the sling
And the sling went ’round and ’round
And ’round and ’round
And ’round and ’round
And ’round and ’round and ’round
And God led the stone way up in the air…
And the giant came tumblin’ down!

By Alfred B. Smith,  © Al Smith Ministries  (lyrics altered by Sam Crabtree)

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 “¢ Rom. 15:5-7

2 thoughts on “God Chose a Boy Named David

  1. Your credits for the Lyrics of God Chose a Boy Named David list them as Public Domain. This is not correct. They were renewed and are now administered by Al Smith Ministries. Thank you for you help in correcting this information.

    Nothing is required for your use of this song. Keep up the good work!

  2. Dr. Smith,

    Are you the son or grandson of Alfred Smith? He has blessed the church with many wonderful hymns.

    Thanks for clarifying this for me. I did not find any other credits for the lyrics from the websites I found them on. I was just assuming they were public domain. Thanks for setting the record straight. I have updated my post to reflect this.

    God bless,

    Bob Hayton

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