Two Ways to Live: A Great Online Evangelistic Resource

2 Ways to Live -- Click for Online PresentationI have recently discovered a great online evangelistic resource! (HT: Justin Taylor) It comes with recommendations from D.A. Carson and Mark Dever, so it has to be good, right? [Check out Taylor’s post for details on the recommendations…]

Having read this web-based presentation, and explored some of the resources added to it, I plan to link to it from my sidebar. It is a well-designed, interactive tool which clearly presents the Gospel and points people to a life of faith not a one time decisionist experience. And it equips seekers and new believers with the resources they need. It is also available in numerous other formats along with training videos and etc.–see here for a list of products available.

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 “¢ Rom. 15:5-7