Take the Quiz

Take the quiz, click on this image

Any other Arm Chair Theologians out there? Listen up! You need to do more than just theorize and quantify everyone else’s problems. Better check out yourself too.

Take this quiz to see if you rank as a heretic. Yes a bonafide heretic.

Really, all kidding aside, you need to check out this quiz. It is a test of both your orthodoxy and your knowledge of church history–specifically, the historical identification and rejection of unorthodox teachings.

Now you need to do the quiz first! But afterward, you can check out the answers here. And while you are at it, you might want to bookmark that blog (Theology and Biblical Studies by Steven Harris)! It looks really interesting and beneficial.

So, did you pass? Are you Chalcedon compliant?

We all might not answer each question correct but let us use this to sharpen our theological understanding. For more on Chalcedon, check out this article by Wikipedia.

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 “¢ Rom. 15:5-7

3 thoughts on “Take the Quiz

  1. Some of the questions must be poorly worded, because I can’t see what I would have said that would make it say I don’t believe in the trinity.

  2. Fitzage,

    I don’t think it said you didn’t. It asked questions worded in the precise wordings which were debated historically in different church councils. I am pretty sure the quiz author on his blog makes it clear he is not trying to condemn everyone. He is pointing out there is a little “heretic” in all of us. Or more correctly that we all do not understand all the intricacies of each church council’s definitions. I am sure you were at least Chalcedon Compliant. Any other percentage of any “-ism” is only minor in comparison. Personally, I had 2/3 of one ism and 1/3 of another one. But I thought the quiz was helpful in increasing our awareness of church history and the preciseness required in church doctrine.

    A side note, you may find interesting is a post on the Trinity by Reformation Theology Blog available here.

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