The Idea of Fundamentalism

Check out two interesting posts attempting to define the “idea of fundamentalism” over on Nos Sobrii, Dr. Kevin Bauder’s blog. His definition of that idea is here, and further elaboration on that definition is here.

These posts are thought provoking. What exactly is the essence of fundamentalism? Is its very essence wrong or has the movement deviated from its great idea? Or can the movement honestly claim exclusive rights to the idea of fundamentalism?

Give me your thoughts. And check out my comment on his second post.

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 “¢ Rom. 15:5-7

2 thoughts on “The Idea of Fundamentalism

  1. Brother, I have read some of the articles on your blog and can say that I have followed a somewhat similar journey. I too evaluated all that I believed and practiced and in truth, I am still in that process. I have found that many things I held dear for many years are really of man and not of God. So let me say that I am a fellow-traveller on the same route.

    If I may, in Christian compassion, offer a word of caution. When correcting from an extreme position, it becomes very easy to over-react to other extremes. It is kind of like a pendulum effect.

    I will not debate any of the tenets of your new-found liberty and doctrine. I would only encourage you to spend much time in prayer and in the study of God’s Word asking Him to guide you into all truth.

    It is good to read other men. While I may not agree with everything John Piper teaches, his writings have influenced my ministry and I have great respect for his scholarship. But while it is good to read other men, always seek to ground yourself more in the Word of God.

    As you correctly pointed out, so many independents take the word of others wholesale without comparing it to Scripture. Let us not be guilty of that same mistake on the opposite end of the spectrum.

    I pray that God will bless you in your search for truth and will one day grant you the desire of your heart to serve Him in ministry.

  2. Gordon,

    Thanks for your kind word of exhortation. I certainly want to guard against thinking I have arrived. This blog hopefully will help me think out loud as I continue my studying and prayerful pursuit of the Truth.

    Bob Hayton

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