A 21st Century Retelling of Pilgrim's Progress

I ran across an excellent short story spun off of John Bunyan’s masterpiece Pilgrim’s Progress. The story opens your eyes to how potentially damaging the emphasis extreme fundamentalists put on keeping standards really is.

John Bunyan’s original work is filled with truth concerning the Christian life. And what is missing from his work is the modern popular understanding (especially in some fundamentalist circles) that Christian should have received a “get out of jail free card” upon going thru the Wicket Gate and looking on Mt Calvary’s cross. Instead he is given spiritual weapons (along with help from the Holy Spirit) with which to persevere against many deceptive sins which present the real possibility of making permanent shipwreck of his faith, and derailing his trip to the Celestial City.

This story will make you think, and is well worth your time.

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 “¢ Rom. 15:5-7