Mark Dever on Pastoral Theology

Justin Taylor, of Between Two Worlds, points out some great resources by Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, and founder of 9 Marks Ministries. He is perhaps best known for his booklet, The Nine Marks of a Healthy Church. One of the distinguishing features of his Nine Marks Ministries is their interviews. Mark Dever conducts interviews with many of the conservative evangelicals of the day. His church has more in common with English Baptist churches of 200 years ago than with many churches today. It is a fascinating ministry with a deep respect for God’s Word.

The resources Justin Taylor pointed out in his post are audio recordings (MP3 files) of 5 minute answers to a host of different questions concerning pastoral ministry and pastoral theology. I encourage you to check out these resources, and at leat to bookmark Nine Marks Ministries.