Why December 25?

Justin Taylor, of Between Two Worlds, gives us an interesting post summarizing an article by G.E. Veith for World Magazine on the origins of Dec. 25 being the day we celebrate Christ’s birth. Apparently there is no connection at all to a pagan festival on that day. That oft alleged criticism is pure urban legend.

∼striving for the unity of the faith for the glory of God∼ Eph. 4:3,13 “¢ Rom. 15:5-7

3 thoughts on “Why December 25?

  1. “Apparently there is no connection at all to a pagan festival on that day. That oft alleged criticism is pure urban legend.”

    You’re kidding, right? The whole Christmas celebration is based on pagan rituals, the Christmas Tree (Nimrod)..holly and mistletoe (druids) the date 25 Dec (winter equinox, sun god) Add in Horus from Egypt.. the constellations.. and you got yourself a new religion. the catholic church still uses symbols o the sun (the monstrance).. Even much of the gospel of the bible is parallels ancient religions.. you really need to open your eyes. Religion is slavery and you’re in a trance.

  2. Um, did you read the articles I linked to? Did you notice the “apparently”?

    I’m prepared to say certain Christmas traditions were borrowed from pagan celebrations, but they were put to a new use and Christianized. Actually the Christmas trees of today come from German Protestant immigrants in the 1850s.

    Anyways you can believe the simplistic reduction that Christianity just borrowed from other religions if you’d like. That’s a convenient way to sidestep the truth claims of the Bible.

  3. Good job Bob. Keep mystery babylon religion alive. Who cares if there many religions before Christ that had the exact story of the Messiah. We just need to believe.

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