In the Box: New Titles from Kregel & Moody

“In the Box” posts highlight new books I’ve received in the mail.

I periodically showcase new titles that arrive at my doorstep in posts like this. Today’s post highlights two theology books. The first one is directed at a more popular level, while the second one has the academic reader in mind.

Paul vs. James

Paul vs. James: What We’ve Been Missing in the Faith and Works Debate by Chris Bruno (Moody Publishers)

Now this book has the best cover I’ve seen in a while. And the title is catching: Paul vs. James: What We’ve Been Missing in the Faith and Works Debate. On the back cover the book sets in juxtaposition these two statements: “One is justified by faith apart from works of the law” – Paul; “A person is justified by works and not by faith alone” – James. Christians at all stages of their spiritual growth have grappled with this apparent contradiction. I’m looking forward to reading how Chris Bruno clears up the matter. I am also drawn to this work since Chris Bruno has some fundamentalist roots (having taught at Northland and Cedarville) and now teaches at Bethlehem College and Seminary (founded by my former pastor John Piper). Look for my review of this title in the next month or two.

To learn more about this book, check out the product pages at the links below. You can purchase this book at Amazon,, Westminster Bookstore, or direct from Moody Publishers.

Trinity without Hierarchy

Trinity without Hierarchy: Reclaiming Nicene Orthodoxy in Evangelical Theology edited by Michael F. Bird and Scott Harrower (Kregel Academic)

This book intrigues me because I have benefited from some of the authors who are critiqued in this work. Complementarian authors like Wayne Grudem and Bruce Ware have used the relationships between the persons of the Trinity (specifically the headship of the Father and subordination of the Son) in defense of their positions. (Complementarians defend the traditional view that husbands are the chief authority figure in marriage, fathers in the home, and only men should be elders or pastors in the church.) New to me is the term “eternal functional subordination (EFS)” which Grudem and others argue for. This book brings together both complementarian and egalitarian Evangelical scholars who together present a case from the Bible, historical theology and systematic theology to defend the historic orthodox view of the Trinity. The editors do not claim that Grudem and Ware are heretics, they go out of their way to appreciate “Wayne Grudem’s [clear and persuasive] description of the deity of Christ” and “Bruce Ware’s [effective and forceful] refutation of Open Theism” (p. 12). But they deny that Grudem, Ware and others are “at liberty to dispense with eternal generation, nor to substitute roles of authority for Nicene terms for articulating the relationships between the divine persons” (p. 13). I am merely an observer of the debate at this point and look forward to digging in and learning more. Expect my review in a few months.

To learn more about this book or to pick up your own copy, check out the book’s product page at the following sites:, or direct from Kregel Academic.

Disclaimer: My thanks go out to both Moody Publishers and Kregel Academic for review copies of these titles.

Dr. Bruce Ware on Fundamentalism

I recently came across an interview of Dr. Bruce Ware, one of the professors at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville. And 25 minutes of the interview was devoted to his thoughts on Fundamentalism and the differences between Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism. [HT: Andy Naselli]

I appreciated his explanation of Evangelicalism and generally agree with his characterization of the differing mindsets of the two movements. You’ll find the clip of this portion of the interview below, but there’s a lot more to the interview. I’m interested in your thoughts on this clip. I find myself basically in agreement with most of what Ware says.