Book Briefs: “Timothy: A Little Fish with a Big Purpose!” by Brad Riley

Timothy: A Little Fish with a Big Purpose! by Brad RileyI have read my fair share of kids’ story books. I’ve read about talking pigs and meandering puppies, about cats with hats and showers of noodles. Christian books come in almost as wide a variety too, from talking vegetables to time travelers and more. But I have never heard of a book about the fish Peter caught for Jesus — the fish that had money in its mouth, remember? This unique story is what you’ll find in Timothy: A Little Fish with a Big Purpose!

It takes a pretty imaginative mind to think of a back-story to the fish with a coin in its mouth! Author Brad Riley pulls off an intriguing yet captivating tale with a moral. The illustrations by Krystahl Goodale are bright and fresh, and the result is a captivating picture book with a story that will interest adult readers.

The book seems designed for children too young to read. I have the kindle version, but even that makes it seem like this is more of a picture book than a story with pictures. And while the stories will capture the interest of little readers, the story is more involved than most picture books. Riley also takes liberties with the story, and children should be cautioned that this is just a guess at what the fish might have been thinking. Some may think the story is overly done and that too much is made of the imaginative angle. But this is a story that will spark conversation and that is saying something for a kids’ picture book that comes in at only 30 or so pages.

I was fascinated and delighted by the tale, even if I didn’t totally buy the author’s take on the story. I thought the illustrations were bright, colorful and engaging. Little hearts will be directed to Jesus and the place of faith in the reading of this book, and for that reason I hope it gains a wide audience.

Pick up a copy of this book at any of the following online retailers: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or direct from Vox Dei Publishing.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher for review. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

About Book Briefs: Book Briefs are book notes, or short-form book reviews. They are my informed evaluation of a book, but stop short of being a full-length book review.

Book Briefs: “The Candle Classic Bible”

The Candle Classic BibleAs a father of six kids, I’m constantly on the look out for another Bible story book. The Candle Classic Bible from Candle Books (distributed in the US by Kregel) is a fine addition to my collection. This kids’ book has the look and feel of a leather bound, weather-worn classic. It is beautifully illustrated and has a gold sheen on each page. The stories are short but follow the Scripture account well. And the volume comes complete with a ribbon and a full color illustration on the front.

Some kids Bible story books are given to fancy and invention. Others seem to trivialize the text. This has the right blend of contextualizing the story for kids but staying true to the text. I appreciated that several of the less common stories made their way into this collection. It is divided into 365 stories, but I felt that much of the time the story would span two or even three of the daily readings. The Scripture references are included for each story which will invite the family to open up the real Bible and read the fuller account.

The size of the book and its heft–it weighs in at nearly two pounds–will allow this book to endure the frequent use its colorful pages will invite. It is bound to be a family favorite, and I would be glad to see it end up on the shelves of Christians everywhere.

Pick up a copy of this book at any of the following online retailers: Amazon,, or direct from Kregel Publications.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by Kregel Publications. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

About Book Briefs: Book Briefs are book notes, or short-form book reviews. They are my informed evaluation of a book, but stop short of being a full-length book review.

Leaving the Village


It takes a great deal of courage to follow the Lord’s call and leave the only church you’ve ever known. When I shared my story of leaving extreme fundamentalism, I was trying to deal with the trauma in one sense, but I also wanted to find camaraderie and support from others via the internet. I had become aware that I wasn’t the only one experiencing the turmoil of finally seeing the world through different eyes.

Over the years, I’ve had numerous expressions of thanks as people have commented on my blog posts or contacted me via email or Facebook. I’ve also had my share of ill-will directed toward me, as people assume that our dramatic change was a cop-out and an excuse to live it up in the world. In truth, it was the hardest thing my wife and I ever did: we risked alienating ourselves from both sides of our family and ruining the only real friendships we had.

There are now a lot of ex-fundamentalist blogs out there. And there are a host of other “survivor” type blogs as well. Some exaggerate the problems of fundamentalism, others jettison any connection with Christianity at all. The internet is a mixed bag, for sure. But it has helped shed light on the beliefs and practices of any group. Mormons have found the internet and are starting to see the problems in their church’s historical dogmas. And countless others have been rescued from cults as they do their own secret internet research.

Like anything, the internet in the wrong hands can be bad. But the truth is not ashamed of honest inquiry: which is why Christianity has and will only continue to flourish in the internet age.

I say all this by way of introduction as I want to direct your attention to a new blog from a Facebook friend of mine. It is called Leaving the Village and describes his own exodus from a legalistic, controlling faith community. His story is very similar to mine, in some respects. And for those struggling to decide how to proceed in their own faith journey, reading his story may be a blessing. He doesn’t try to trash his former church but is sharing his heart and how it felt to go through the process that lead to his “leaving the village.”

In his message to me he shares his motivation for the blog:

Hey Bob, your blog and story were a huge help to me when I was walking away from ——. Just simply knowing I wasn’t alone was one of the biggest things I needed to see.

I just started a blog to try to tell my story and help young guys in the same way you helped me. I’m trying to get the word out about it, but I’m not linking directly through my own social media yet. I don’t want my former pastor to just dismiss the blog as a hit piece. I’m writing with a bit of anonymity, but not pulling any punches.

Anyways, I was wondering if you might consider reading the first post and possibly sharing it on your blog. No pressure, I just wanted to ask you to consider it.

Regardless of what you do, thanks again for the encouragement you gave me.

Go over and read his first post. Then bookmark his site, as it promises to be good reading.

Here is an excerpt to get you started:

It’s hard to imagine unless you’ve been there. One decision, one moment changing the whole course of your life and the life of your family. Regardless of your story, everyone faces life changing decisions at some point, but the feelings of angst and terror seem to be multiplied when those decisions involve leaving a religious cult.

I know, the word cult is a loaded term. It’s also pretty polarizing. Those within the cult never see it as a cult. If they did, they would leave. But those outside it look back in and, at least in my case, ask questions like, “How did I stay duped for so long?” or “Why do people stay?” Calling something a cult has far less to do with its message and far more to do with its methods. But again, that’s a subjective definition that someone inside a cult is bound to disagree with….

My goal is not… to correct misguided beliefs or point out the flaws of others. We all hold presuppositions, more than we care to admit, and attempts at correcting your presuppositions will only go as far as you allow them.

Instead, I want to share my story–a story of angst, a story of searching for truth, a story of a guy looking for a God who was there all along, guiding each step of the journey. I know my audience is small. Not too many people grew up in “a village.” But if you’re one that did and you’re reading this, then know this, you are not alone. Rather than try to convince you of one position against another, I simply want to meet you in the journey and share in the feelings and longings that can be down right terrifying.

My prayer is that you know the road you walk is not one walked alone. Leaving the village and embracing the mystery of a life of faith in Jesus was the best thing that ever happened to me.

“The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing” by Jeff Goins

The In-Between by Jeff GoinsBook Details:
  • Author: Jeff Goins
  • Category: Christian Living
  • Book Publisher: Moody Publishers (2013)
  • Format: audiobook
  • Page Count: 176
  • Audio Length: 3.8 hours
  • Audio Publisher: Christian Audio
  • Read by: the author, Jeff Goins
  • ISBN#: 9781610457798
  • List Price: $12.98
  • Rating: Recommended

In an age of fast food, instant downloads and on-the-go internet, we are an impatient people. Whether it is the check-out line or the next stage of life, we can’t wait until the next bit thing. Christians have the itch as much as the next guy or girl. And American evangelicalism’s emphasis on spiritual crises and “decisions for Christ” keeps us looking for the next break through or longing for the day when we’ll finally have arrived. Jeff Goins points out that our perspective is flawed. Instead of looking ahead with anticipation or behind with regret, we need to be sure and live our life appreciating all of the moments in-between.

His latest book, The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing fleshes out what it means to wait, and how in every season of life, behind our disappointments and joys, living for Christ involves trusting Him for the small moments where most of our life actually happens. The book is as much Goins’ life story (so far) as it is a detailed study on the subject of waiting. The story is well-written, at times intimate, and always thought-provoking. Ultimately the author succeeds in making much of the in-between.

Listening to the Christian Audio version of the book, I appreciated that it was the author himself, who read the book. As the story surrounded the author’s own escapades, you felt like you got to know him by the end of it. His reading was as smooth and polished as his writing style. Approachable and inviting, humorous at times and above all, real. This is an inspirational read that might just spark a life-transformation — of the smaller, more enduring “in-between” kind.

The book’s biggest fault is by some people’s measure a strength. He appeals to a wide audience through his sparing use of Scripture. This isn’t a Bible study or devotional read, yet it is spiritual and moving all the same. His lesson rings true to Scripture and is worth a hearing.

If you’re looking for a quick yet inspirational read, and if you’re trying to find hope in the midst of disappointment or confusion, this book is for you. Life doesn’t always turn out like we wished or thought it would. But that is what makes it worth living, and what causes us to trust our Lord all the more. Pick up The In-Between, you’ll be glad you did.

Author Info:
Jeff Goins was born and raised outside of Chicago. After graduating from Illinois College, he spent a year on the road with a band and was once recognized on the streets of Taipei. An author, speaker, and writing coach, Jeff’s work has been featured on some of the largest blogs in the world. He lives in Franklin, TN with his family. You can find him online at:

Where to Buy:

Disclaimer: This book was provided by The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a positive review.

Another Reader’s Story

Often I receive emails from readers who have stumbled across “my story.” Most of them thank me for taking the time to share as they have gone through similar circumstances and are helped by my own experience. Sometimes these emails or Facebook messages include a detailed story from the reader — of their own journey with respect to fundamentalism. I have shared a few reader’s stories so far, and now have another story to add to the mix.

I have made some slight edits and changed some of the details to protect this reader’s privacy, but she is a real person sharing her thoughts and questions about fundamentalism.

Hello, Bob. I ran across your blog on the internet again, from when I first saw it, 2 yrs ago. 🙂 You took my thoughts and words right out of my mind and heart as I read your Story.

I’ll put this as short as I can. We ended up moving to the deep south in 92. We were invited to an IFB revival meeting week. My husband gets saved, and we are for the next 7 yrs immersed in an IFB church and culture and all that you describe. As a wife and mother, the church ladies made legalism, dress code, and etc. look very holy and right.

7 yrs later, we move to a rural Westerm state where there was no IFB church at all in a 50+ mile range. So we took a daring step to attend a local Bible church. Boy were our eyes and hearts opened to our once KJV-only, strict ideals of a Godly life! We were opened up to a world of other Christians (imagine that!), who were not hindered by all the IFB oddities. We saw for the first time in 7 years what real grace, love and joy in the Lord looks like! We realized we can sing praise and worship songs and hymns in the same service and still be OK!!

Move forward about 14 more years. We are still out west and about 2 yrs ago now, we move closer to larger town. This time we tried to go back to an IFB church and drove 45 miles to attend one in a larger town. 10 months later we realized we aren’t as IFB as we use to be! God had opened our eyes, grew our hearts and we then saw how actually depressing, small minded and small world this IFB church is.

We now attend for the last 2 years a non-denominational community church where God is passionately preached and worship is so real that it just brings tears of joy to my eyes! 🙂 The people are very kind, loving, REAL, and have a zeal for life we’ve not really seen in most IFB churches we attended.

My question is… is this normal to swing so far away from the IFB ways? Are there more ex-IFB attenders seeing what I’m seeing and you have seen? I feel we are all saved by grace, and we’re just filthy rags in God’s eyes, but through His grace and love we are HIS, and I no longer feel pressured to have more children because that’s what other IFB ladies do. Or pressured to wear skirts all the time, etc…. I think you get the picture.

We are pondering going to a revival in the IFB church we left on good standing, but that now has a new pastor. The evangelist is ——— ———–. We would like to attend because we sometimes miss that “good old fashioned” preaching like when my husband got saved. Do you know of this evangelist? Is he a moderate IFB or from the “I will not be moved at all” type? LOL

Also I might add, expository style preaching, verse by verse is where it’s at!! Our pastor we have now is awesome. We don’t miss the topical style preaching. I’ve always felt it was lacking a good Bible base, and has too much of pastor talk or shout.

Well, thanks for your input, like I said, you took the words out of my mouth! I do sometimes feel guilty for us moving on to a non-denominational church, but God is putting peace in me as the years go by.

Peace and God bless!

Part of my reply to her was:

Hi ——.

Thanks for your note. You are not alone. So many have traveled the same road and learned the same truth. Not all IFB churches are bad, but so many just miss out on a wider world of God’s grace and goodness. That isn’t to say there aren’t problem churches that aren’t IFB. Not just anything goes, mind you. But there are so many sincere, godly churches that just don’t do church by IFB rules.

I haven’t heard of Evangelist ——— …. There can be good preaching, but so much is shallow and emotional. And IFB churches are so focused now (more than ever) on keeping people in the fold. As long as you know what you’re getting into, it wouldn’t hurt to attend one night. But that is up to you and your husband and how God directs you.

Enjoy the freedom in Christ. I loved your story. From time to time, I like to share stories like this on my blog with personal names and details removed. If you were interested in letting me share it, I would. But I never do so without permission. I’ve had literally hundreds contact me and thank me for what I’m doing or share part of their story like you did – so know that you are not alone.

Either way, God bless you and yours. Glad you stumbled across my blog.

In Christ,

Bob Hayton

She replied, giving me permission to share this with my readers. Here is part of her reply.

Thanks for writing back so quick. You are welcome to post my story — it is the shortened version. 🙂

I do believe it took the straightforward, hard evangelist-style preaching to get my husband’s attention, short of a tallking donkey. 🙂 Tthe IFB church was his first real introduction to church, so it is near and dear to his heart….

3 of our 5 kids have prayed with Dad to accept Christ as their Savior. The 2 youngest are too young to understand, but they will not know the stressful lifestyle of the IFB church upbringing. Instead they will learn how to have a life in Christ full of grace and a good biblical world view.

Have a great day~