“Paul vs. James: What We’ve Been Missing in the Faith and Works Debate” by Chris Bruno

Paul vs. JamesThere are not many theology books that could be recommended equally to lay people in a church Sunday School class or students in a theological seminary. Nor would such widely varying audiences often come away with meaningful takeaways from such a book. Paul vs. James: What We’ve Been Missing in the Faith and Works Debate is just such a rare book. Chris Bruno and Moody Publishers are to be commended for such an attractive and useful book on such an important theological topic.

The attention of the reader is grabbed from the outset of this little book. The cover is catchy with its icon-like ancient paintings of James and Paul and the large font used for the title. The subtitle is explained helpfully by the equally arresting back cover. There, beneath their respective portraits, are Paul’s words on justification by faith apart from works, and James’ words that one is justified by works and not by faith alone. The back cover goes on to introduce the “problem” that is sure to intrigue the casual churchgoer and appeal to those who have already spotted such seeming contradictions in their own study.

In the foreword, Douglas Moo applauds Chris Bruno (the author) for his “readable and thoroughly biblical exploration of this issue” (p. 10). I second Moo’s motion, and agree that the book reads very smoothly and his point is driven home. Both James and Paul agree that the biblical faith that justifies, is a faith that inevitably manifests itself in and through good works. The charts and tables used throughout the book, as well as the large section headers, help ensure that readers of all levels don’t miss the argument.

Bruno begins with a mini-biography of sorts on both Paul and James. Students will catch his position on a wide variety of interpretative questions, and average readers will appreciate a review of just who James and Paul are. Then he goes back further to Abraham, who features prominently in both Paul’s (Galatians, Romans) and James’ (James) statements on justification. Bruno emphasizes that:

…James is standing in Genesis 22, looking back at Abraham’s faith in God’s covenant promises that was confirmed by his ongoing obedience. However, Paul is focused on Abraham’s initial belief in Genesis 12 and 15, looking forward to Abraham’s works of faith. (p. 74)

Paul’s context led him to stress that Abraham’s faith alone was what justified him, whereas James’ situation required him to emphasize that a mere faith without works was not what Abraham had – his faith was ultimately justifying faith because of his works (and his continuing in the faith). Bruno clarifies (concerning James’ assertion that “a person is justified by works” 2:24): “the way that good works serve to justify is by confirming, both during our lives on earth but especially in the last judgment, that we have durable, persevering, good-works-producing faith” (p. 85).

After driving this point home — and my only complaint is that at times Bruno can be overly repetitive — the book concludes with two practical ways of applying the doctrine of justification by faith. Now, up to this point, evangelical Christians will largely agree with his points (Roman Catholics will have a problem however). So this is where Bruno gets risky — he takes on both same-sex marriage and racism. These are polarizing topics in society, but fairly straightforward when it comes to Scripture. The book does not unpack each issue in depth, but illustrates how understanding James and Paul correctly informs how we approach these questions. With respect to same-sex marriage, the necessity of good works leads us to reject same-sex marriage as antithetical to the Gospel and potentially soul-damning. And when it comes to racism, any demands for cultural conformity in our churches can be seen as adding to the faith alone that justifies and are also a threat to the Gospel.

I encourage you to consider Paul vs. James for use in a small group or Sunday school (or even your seminary class). I highly recommend it.

Learn more about this book by looking at the preview available at Amazon or Westminster Bookstore.

“Many pit the Old Testament against the New, the Gospels against Paul, James against Paul. Bruno argues that the two apostles, in reality, reinforce each other. The brilliance of this book lies in its accessibility and wholistic understanding of Paul and James. This project will serve the church well in its informed theology, responsible handling of biblical texts, and application for today. Well done.”
—Benjamin J. Gladd, Associate Professor of New Testament in Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS

“Bruno demonstrates that faith and works in both Paul and James are not enemies but friends, but at the same time he carefully explains what Paul and James mean by the key terms faith, works, and justification. I am confident that many will come to a clear understanding of how Paul and James fit together by reading this work.”
—Thomas R. Schreiner, Professor of NT Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

Where to Buy:
This book is available for purchase from the following online retailers: Amazon.com, Westminster Bookstore, Christianbook.com, or direct from Moody Publishers..

This book was provided by the publisher. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a positive review.