Russia as the New Christian Nation?

RussiaChristianAmerica has long considered herself a Christian nation. She is the “city on a hill” and a “light to the nations.” Presidents have repeatedly framed America’s national missions as Christian ventures. We are fighting the darkness and standing against evil powers.

Most Christians can see through the rhetoric, and understand that policitcal candidates and leaders are using such language to gain acceptance for their ideas. But still, many American Christians do mix patriotism with Christianity. There is a deeply rooted bias to trust American government and American military actions as being somehow divinely favored. God smiles on America, and our wars are His wars.

I have spoken out against this idea, trying to remind us that the Church has no country. Christianity is and always has been, a global reality. See my post America — A Pagan Nation?

With the recent Sochi Olympic games and the American outcry over Russia’s anti-gay propaganda bill, I wonder if the tide is changing. Could Russia actually be the new Christian Nation? Their public stand for biblical morals is greater than America’s at least on this particular issue. And then we have statements like the following, from a piece by David Brooks on Putin and his driving philosophy. This statement comes from one of Putin’s favorite Russian philosophers.

“The West exported this anti-Christian virus to Russia,” Ilyin wrote, “Having lost our bond with God and the Christian tradition, mankind has been morally blinded, gripped by materialism, irrationalism and nihilism.”

Add to this, a new article from Christianity Today: The 160-Year Christian History Behind What’s Happening in Ukraine. Could Russia actually be standing up for Christian values more than America today?

One extra thought. Russia, a neighboring country of Ukraine, has a long history in the Crimean region. America is positioned thousands of miles from that part of the world, yet we feel we can dictate to those countries on how to handle their dispute? Who’s the bully here? It is in the best interests of America for Russia to remain weak and marginalized. That is much less threatening to our safety and security. But what about Russia’s own interests? I bring this up because too often, American Christians don’t think through matters of global politics from a neutral, Christian perspective. We side with our country’s view and advocate anything that protects our own riches. What about the good of all of God’s children?

Now, I will be the first to champion America’s track record on a host of humanitarian and political causes which are in lock-step with a Christian perspective. Often our coutnry aids the oppressed and marginalized victims of dictators. But America is not above scrutiny, and American Christians need to learn to distinguish between devotion to the American Flag, and our Bibles.

As You Leave Your Church this Sunday Morning…

Most of us here in America take for granted the religious freedom we have. We can choose to go to the church of our choice, drive or walk there, and come back after the service to our homes. We will not face ridicule or brave threats to do so. And many times we don’t attend church as faithfully as we should.

In many places around the world, this is not true. Even attending church is a huge step of faith. And for some, they pay the ultimate price for being identified as a Christian.

Artur Suleimanov, pastor of the several-hundred member Hosanna church in Makhachkala, Dagestan (a republic of Russia bordering Chechnya and Azerbaijan), was returning to his car to go home after a church function Thursday night, just three days ago. When he got into his car, a masked gunman shot him in the head and fled the scene. Just like that, having left the “House of Prayer” as their church building was named, he was ushered into the presence of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Artur had pastored this largest and first evangelical Christian church of mixed ethnicities (with many formerly-Muslim believers) since the late 1990s. Death threats and intimidation were the norm for him. He must have known he was a marked man, yet he faithfully shepherded his flock all the same.

By way of prayer requests, Barnabas Fund lists the following:

  • That God will comfort and uphold Pastor Suleimanov’s family, and their large church family, in their distress and grief.
  • That the murderer and all those behind this horrendous incident will be brought to justice, and that they will come to faith in the Lord Jesus.
  • For protection over those attending Pastor Suleimanov’s funeral as well as the wider Church in Dagestan.
  • That Christians will not be intimidated by this act of violence.

I would add that we pray for the few churches in Dagestan to be able to use this latest outbreak of persecution as a means for spreading the name of Christ throughout the region (cf. Acts 8:1-4). Pray also for their unity, protection for the remaining leadership, and wisdom.

Most of all, as you return home from your churches this morning, and other days throughout the next few weeks, please remember the persecuted church. Some are too afraid to even go to a church. Others risk their lives for doing so.

For more on the martyrdom of Artur Suleimanov see this article by Barnabus Fund.