Fighter Verses Song CD and Giveaway

Some friends of mine have been involved in putting Bible verses to music to help aid Bible memory. At my old church, Bethlehem Baptist Church, where Pastor John Piper ministers, they developed a Bible memory system called the Fighter Verse Program. Over the last several years, several church members have been writing songs to accompany the verses and the result has been a series of Bible memory song CDs.

I wanted to spread the word that they will be giving away five copies of their most recent CD. You can go to the Fighter Verse Songs blog for details on the giveaway. At their blog, you can listen to song samples, subscribe via RSS to the verses and songs, and learn more about the Fighter Verse Program.

New Blogging-for-Books Buttons

I recently created a few blog buttons for the blogging-for-books programs I participate in. Tyndale House and Thomas Nelson (now Book Sneeze), have their own buttons. I made some new ones for NavPress, Reformation Trust, Bethany House and Waterbrook Multnomah. Check out my blog sidebar, and feel free to steal my buttons.

Copy the image and display it on your blog (you may need to set the width to work with your blog better). Then if you haven’t joined any of these programs, click on the links to sign up. When you get accepted feel free to then steal the button and display it on your blog. Do make sure it links to the correct blog review program.

This is a way we can spread the word about blogging for books, and also help out the publishers that make these great programs available to us bloggers. To learn more about blogging for books, check out this post.