Poll: Which Do You Read More, Books or Blogs?

Blogs are a great source of information, each post can educate you on a specific topic. Trying to keep up with all the great blogs out there is what makes blogging fun. But it can be burdensome too, at times. So most bloggers have seasons where they stay away from all blogs for a time.

In my three years of blogging, I’ve noticed another side-effect of blogging. At times I get interested in books more, but often I find myself reading books less. The more blogs I follow the less book reading time I have. Personally, I think reading a well-written substantive book is more impactful than getting lots of information piecemeal over the web. But then I like the variety of the piecemeal info, too!

So let’s run a poll here. Which do you read more, books or blogs? And which is more important ultimately? Any thoughts on how blogging and book-reading are at odds with each other? Or do you think there’s a symbiotic relationship and blogging encourages more book-reading? I’m asking for you the reader to respond! Thanks in advance for those who do 🙂 .