Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Interview Update

The interview went well. You can download the audio here: (10.5 MB). Just right click and select “save target as” or “save link as”. Also, note the first few minutes have spanish programming.

UPDATE: A fellow in my church edited the mp3 for me to remove the spanish programming and miscellaneous stuff on the beginning and end of the audio track. If you have a fast connection you may want to download that version, which is 27 MB. The link to this larger sized file will expire in 1 week.

UPDATE #2: Here is the link to the post on about the interview. I encourage you to visit their website and let them know you appreciated my interview! Subscribe to the podcast (or the blog) too, as they have a wide variety of interesting guests over on that program. Check out their testimonials to get a flavor of the ministry of ISI.

Sorry to keep making much about my interview. I just have to milk the spotlight for all its worth, while it’s still vaguely pointed in my direction! 😉