Thankful for 10 Years

Things have been quiet around here. We’ve welcomed our eighth child, who has us busy as she was 7 weeks early. (We hope to bring her home from the hospital soon.)

I didn’t want the month to end without marking this blog’s special anniversary. It was ten years ago that Fundamentally Reformed began.

I’m thankful for the personal growth and the friends I’ve made over these years. I’ve been blessed to interact with hundreds of books and really develop my theology at the feet of conservative and Reformed evangelical authors. Along the way I’ve tried to inspire others to question some of their assumptions and study Scripture anew. We’ve had some dropdown, drag-em-out comment fights. And we’ve covered some truly tragic stories.

I feel like I’ve matured in my outlook and no longer need to crusade for my point of view, at all costs. Reading, thinking and studying are part of my life and I plan to keep this blog going as long as people find it helpful. I should start posting reviews and other content with the new year. Till then, consider exploring the archives, and thanks for ten great years!

“When Sinners Say ‘I Do’ DVD” by Dave Harvey

When Sinners Say I Do DVD by Dave HarveyMedia Details:
• Speaker: Dave Harvey
• Director: Patrick Gines
• Publisher: Shepherd Press (2014)
• Format: DVD
• Run Time: 195 minutes
• ISBN/ASIN#: 1633420922
• List Price: $59.99 (sale at Shepherd Press for $39.95)
• Rating: Must Watch

“Dave Harvey skillfully exposes the real root of most marriage problems — each spouse is still a sinner. But he doesn’t leave us to wallow in our sin. He shows the way out through the ongoing power of the gospel. This will be helpful for any married couple whether they’ve been married five weeks or fifty years.”
—Jerry Bridges, Author of the Pursuit of Holiness

“Listen closely as Dave Harvey teaches on the struggles that characterize all marriages. His words are clear and inviting. He says it in a way that is fresh and humble. He cuts to the heart of what all of us are like—people needing daily, freely-given mercies from the Lord. And he cuts to the heart of what all of us need—not self-help, not a pep talk, not a few tips, but an active Savior. Listen, take to heart, and you will grow wiser as a husband or wife.”
—David Powlison, Executive Director, CCEF; Senior Editor, Journal of Biblical Counseling

“There is no laboratory for the grace of God like the family home. And there is no relationship so crucial to the work of grace in our homes as our marriages. It’s for these reasons I’m so grateful for Dave Harvey’s careful, wise, and relevant teaching in When Sinners Say I Do. Watch closely with your spouse or spouse-to-be, and let Dave lead you with great experience and pastoral care through the hard places of marriage right into the very throne room of God, where you both will find abundant grace for every need you have from now until your nineties.”
—Jared C. Wilson, Director of Content Strategy, Midwestern Seminary; TGC Blogger, The Gospel-Driven Church

Marriage is under attack today from all sides. Churches are being pressured to recognize marriages between people of the same gender. Our culture insists on “divorce on demand.” Even in conservative evangelical churches it seems that marriages have never been more unstable. Christians are getting divorced at alarmingly high rates.

Solutions to our dilemma abound. There are countless counseling resources and video series aimed at spicing up your marriage, learning the right “love talk,” or trying increasingly bizarre sexual practices as a way to keep our marriages vibrant.

Dave Harvey points out what should be obvious. The problem with marriages lasting comes down to one simple point. Marriage always involves 2 people and both of them are sinners! His book When Sinners Say “I Do” has helped many Christian couples. Now Shepherd Press has released an 8 part video series in an effort to equip the church with Dave’s important message.

This DVD series showcases Pastor Harvey walking through different passages of Scripture and unpacking the Gospel message that applies to our marriages. He emphasizes that sin is often at the root of relational conflict. He stresses the complementary design of God for man and woman. He preaches contentment and the role of mercy. He talks frankly about sex as God’s gift for each spouse – to be mutually enjoyed. And he points to the power for change: God’s stubborn grace.

The sessions are between 20 and 30 minutes long and focus just on Dave and his message. I appreciate this length as it allows the DVD series to be used both in SS classes and small group settings, or even as a seminar or workshop for a marriage retreat. The shorter time allows for questions and interaction by a local pastor or teacher who leads a group of couples through this material. Included with the video is a link to a .PDF study guide which can accompany the DVD and facilitate group discussion.

The series is appropriate for single adults as well, and they are from time to time addressed. It is also helpful for both older and younger couples — he speaks to the needs of both. In his talk on sex, Harvey is careful to be discreet and yet still direct.

The sessions do not major on the psychology of marriage. More time is devoted to unpacking and applying God’s word and then drawing application to marriage. Harvey’s advice is seasoned with years of ministry experience. He brings appropriate and helpful illustrations to capture the attention of the audience. And his insights are powerful and helpful. People in a variety of backgrounds and situations in life will benefit from this series.

I can’t wait to share this in a group setting – either with our small group or a church SS class. I hope this gains a wide audience and encourages many a couple with Gospel grace for their marriage.

See six preview clips here, or watch the introduction below.

About the Speaker:
Dave Harvey serves as the Pastor of Preaching at Four Oaks Community Church in Tallahassee, FL. He serves as the Chairman of the board of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF), as well as the Chairman of the Board of the Sojourn Network. He is the author of a number of books, including Am I Called, Rescuing Ambition, and When Sinners Say “I Do.” Dave lives in Tallahassee, Florida with his wife, Kim. They have four grown children.

Where to Buy:
• Amazon
• direct from Kregel

This DVD was provided by the publisher for review. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a positive review.

“Mission Accomplished: A Two-Week Family Easter Devotional” by Scott James

Mission Accomplished by Scott James

Book Details:
• Author: Scott James
• Publisher: New Growth Press (2015)
• Format: hardback
• Page Count: 48
• ISBN#: 9781939946577
• List Price: $13.99
• Rating: Must Read

Publisher’s Description:
Rediscover the greatest rescue mission in history with your children. Spend the week before and after Easter walking with Jesus through the suffering of the cross, the joy of the resurrection, and the beginning of Christianity. Each of the fourteen devotions takes just ten minutes and is suitable for children of all ages. Included are family activities and hymns to help your family remember and apply the truth that Christ is risen indeed!

Looking for an easy to use resource for helping your kids go deeper into the Bible story this Easter? Scott James has given us a beautiful resource in his book Mission Accomplished: A Two-Week Family Easter Devotional (New Growth Press, 2015). This book is intended to lead families through a devotional each day the week before and the week following Easter.

I’ll jump to the chase. Get this book, and order it now. Westminster Bookstore has it for only $10.50! You still have time to get this by Palm Sunday.

I haven’t seen another devotional that is as Gospel-centered and true to the text, nor one as helpful and clearly laid out, as this little two-week devotional.

Each day’s reading is organized as follows: a selection of Scripture to be read, a short devotional (about 1 page), discussion questions (with answers for the parents), a suggestion about what to pray about in response to the lesson, and then either a family activity or a song to sing that is related to the lesson. The activities are usually a craft that is engaging for young minds. The songs are hymns. I appreciate that the text is not included, this will help kids learn to interact with their own Bibles.

The illustrations by A.E. Macha are bright and cheerful, but not overpowering. The insights and connections with the Old Testament (particularly the Passover and the sacrificial lamb), are very helpful and simple enough for young children to understand. I suspect that elementary and middle school children will be most appreciative of the book, but it can be used with even younger children.

I highly recommend this work and trust it will be a blessing to Christian families everywhere.

This excerpt concerns Jesus’ driving out the money changers from the Temple.

Jesus then went into the temple — the House of God — and he did not like what he saw. The outer court of the temple was the one place where people could come and pray from all over the world (the inner part of the temple was just for the Jewish people). But the outer court was so full of people doing the business of the temple (exchanging money and selling the animals for sacrifice) that there was no room for the nations. God’s plan had always been that the whole world would be blessed through Jesus (Genesis 12:2-3), but instead of welcoming the rest of the world, the money changers and those selling animals were making sure there was no room for them. Not only that, the place that was supposed to show a clear picture of God’s greatness and holiness was full of cheaters and crooks. Jesus defended his Father’s name and made room for the Gentiles by running these people out of the temple.

As Jesus taught about what it means to have a true relationship with God, the angry religious leaders began to think about how they could get rid of Jesus. They were not interested in hearing about how they needed to be rescued. (p. 20)

“Scott James has provided families with an easy-to-use, yet spiritually enriching Easter devotional. Starting with the events leading to the cross through the ascension of Jesus, families are encouraged to read the corresponding Scripture, discuss the passage, and make application through questioning and activities. In addition, many selections include a rich hymn to use in family worship. This little book is a great tool for focusing the hearts of your family members on the reality of Jesus’s redemptive mission.”
—Sally Michael, Author; cofounder of Children Desiring God

“A delightful, biblical, practical help for family worship during the Easter season. It connects the passion of Christ with the purpose of God, beckoning families to play our part in the greatest mission in all of history—the redemption of men and women all over the world.”
—David Platt, President of the International Mission Board; Author of Radical

Mission Accomplished is just the sort of resource families need; one that draws them into the Bible, points them to Jesus, and stirs them to worship. For such a short book it provides a delightfully rich sampling of the many reasons we have to celebrate Easter.”
—Jack Klumpenhower, Author of Show Them Jesus: Teaching the Gospel to Kids

About the Author:
Scott James (MD), is an elder at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL, where he also serves in the children’s and youth ministries. Professionally, he works as a pediatric physician and researcher. Scott and his wife Jaime have four children–Will, Kirstine, Benjamin, and Bethan. He is also the author of The Expected One: Anticipating All of Jesus in Advent.

Where to Buy:
• Amazon
• Westminster Bookstore
• direct through New Growth Press.

This book was provided by New Growth Press. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

Book Recommendation: “Preparing Your Teens for College” by Alex Chediak

Preparing Your Teens for College by Alex ChediakOne of the more important books that I’ve received recently, is Preparing Your Teens for College: Faith, Friends, Finances, and Much More by Alex Chediak (Tyndale House, 2014). This book is carefully designed and filled with practical resources for parents and their teenagers. In the areas of character, faith, relationships, finances, academics and ultimately the college decision, the book lays out 11 conversations that parents should have with their children. The book builds on Alex’s other book, Thriving at College (for teens). You can read my review of that earlier title, as well as his excellent little book on marriage.

Preparing Your Teens for College releases this week, and I wanted to point out this excellent resource which I hope to review more fully in the near future. You don’t have to take my word for how excellent this book is, I’m including some of the 16 glowing endorsements that grace the book’s first few pages.

“Preparing Your Teens for College is an outstanding book about preparing teens for adulthood whether or not they go to college. Every parent who wants his or her teen to make a successful transition to young adulthood will profit from this book.
—Jerry Bridges, Author, The Pursuit of Holiness

“Alex proposes a wide-ranging series of conversations for parents to have with their teens: conversations about being responsible, forming good friendships, understanding faith, living as a Christian in ways that are wise and gracious, being smart with money, maintaining personal purity, living from convictions, discerning talents, working diligently unto the Lord, and many other topics. Parents who engage their teens in the ways Alex recommends will accomplish things that cannot be achieved through any exercise of parental authority…I am happy to recommend this book as a sharp tool for Preparing Your Teens for College.”
—Tedd Tripp, Author of Shepherding a Child’s Heart

“Packed with biblical insight and practical wisdom. Should be required reading for all parents in preparation for the “bittersweet sorrow” of seeing our children in the rear view mirror as we drive away from the college campus.”
—Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor, Parkside Church

“This book helps calm parents’ fears in sending their children to college. With tremendous insight and wisdom, Dr. Chediak helps to prepare parents to prepare their children for college. I know of no other book that deals with many of the hard questions this book helps to answer.”
—Burk Parsons, Co-pastor, Saint Andrew’s Chapel, Editor, Tabletalk magazine

“This book does more than show parents that they can prepare their children for college. It offers specific, practical, wise advice on the larger task of raising teenagers, including topics that often prove most daunting for parents: instilling sexual morality, forming positive friendships, dealing with peer pressure, handling social media, and internalizing their faith. In addition to useful tips for helping sons and daughters choose and succeed in higher education, whether at a university or a trade school, this book can function as a guide for Christian families in one of the most important tasks of parenthood: teaching children how to be adults.”
—Gene Edward Veith, Professor of Literature and Provost of Patrick Henry College

Consider picking up the book at Amazon, Westminster Bookstore,, or direct through Tyndale House. To learn more about the book, check out the author’s website where you can read all the endorsements as well as a book excerpt.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by Tyndale House. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.