“Reformation Women: Sixteenth-Century Figures Who Shaped Christianity’s Rebirth” by Rebecca VanDoodewaard

The 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg is coming this October, and you can be sure dozens of books commemorating the Reformation and its significance will be published. It certainly is a good time to reflect on what the Reformation is all about.

Rebecca VanDoodewaard has written a book in this vein that highlights the often forgotten impact that women made in the key events of that tumultuous period. Her book Reformation Women: Sixteenth-Century Figures Who Shaped Christianity’s Rebirth is a fascinating read and will be an encouragement and inspiration to many who read it.

Her book borrows from a series of articles written in the 1800s and compiled into one volume by James Isaac Good in 1901 under the title Famous Women of the Reformed Church. In VanDoodewaard’s book, the content from Good is “revised, expanded, and corrected to make the stories of these remarkable women accessible for today’s church” (p. xiv). Many of the original chapters were removed and a chapter on Katherine Willoughby was added to adapt the work to its author’s purpose of highlighting lesser known Reformation-era women. Indeed, the stories of more recognizable figures, such as Katharina von Bora (Martin Luther’s wife) and Lady Jane Grey (the nine-day Protestant queen of England) are readily available elsewhere. The women included in this volume are largely forgotten, and that is part of the appeal of this short work.

Twelve women are detailed in this book, and their stories interweave with the progress of the Reformation in France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, England and beyond. Since many readers will be ignorant of the historical background, a brief introduction is provided to orient us to the major historical developments of the era. A “pastoral” conclusion aims to draw life lessons for Christian women today from the history contained in this volume. A timeline, and some family trees, round out the volume, which concludes with a detailed bibliography. In all, the book is less than 130 pages, so the treatment of any one character is by necessity not fully developed.

Reading through the stories of these women transports the reader into a very different age. Daring escapes, harrowing journeys, heartbreak and sorrows abound. Many of these ladies lost husband (or husbands) and children to religious war, or violent persecution. Some had children removed and placed in Roman Catholic families. Some saw family members betray them or deny the faith.  The plague, “sweating sickness” and other maladies devastated some, and others faced deprivation. In the midst of these trying circumstances, these women served their Lord and His church faithfully. They provided for the needy, sheltered the homeless, visited those in prison, secured the release of their friends and family sometimes, and one even led a Protestant army in the defense of their freedom. Many of these women were of noble birth, and some became queens, a few were scholars in their own right and kept up correspondence with leading Reformers.

From the descriptions above you can imagine how interesting this book is to read. And yet the stories are sad too: we don’t know enough about these women to truly appreciate their worth, and many died far too young. But what we do know is cause for reflection: we can thank God for those who worked so hard to preserve religious freedom and to keep the newly recovered faith intact. We can learn from their example of faithfulness under fire (which some endured quite literally) and be cautioned by those whose testimony was marred or confused through doctrinal laxity or temporary weakness. The examples provided do much to teach Christian women that timidity and quietness do not necessarily equate with godliness. These women were often bold and determined, yet they knew their place and served often alongside their husbands. The stories of these women is a compelling case in point that a complementarian position on women’s roles in the church need not mean that women have no meaningful contributions to make to the church and its ministry!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and plan to encourage my girls to read it. This makes me want to read more of this period of church history, and I hope it has the same effect on others. I highly recommend this book.

Book Blurbs:

Reformation Women is a book of rare quality and interest as Rebecca VanDoodewaard opens up a whole new dimension in the ongoing story of Christ’s church. We learn of the enormous contribution made by twelve women to the progress of the Reformation in the sixteenth century. Here we have women from diverse backgrounds—some of whose names we can hardly pronounce—whom God raised up and used in a remarkable way. You will be humbled and inspired by these pages and long to serve God better in whatever sphere you have been placed.” ~ Faith Cook, author of Lady Jane Grey: Nine Day Queen of England and several other Christian biographies and historical books

“Few accessible works exist on the heroines of the Reformation, so I read these biographies with the desire to learn. But I walked away with more than learning; I was challenged and inspired. I have new heroes of the faith, and so will every Christian who reads this wonderful collection.” ~ Jason Helopoulos, associate pastor, University Reformed Church, Lansing, Michigan

Where to Buy:


This book was provided by the publisher. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

“Getting Jesus Wrong: Giving Up Spiritual Vitamins and Checklist Christianity” by Matt Johnson

Getting Jesus Wrong: Giving Up Spiritual Vitamins and Checklist Christianity by Matt JohnsonGetting Jesus Wrong may be one of the best titles I’ve seen in a while, and the book comes close to living up to its provocative name. The author is not well known, but his message deserves to be heard by one and all.

Matt Johnson is an interesting story in himself, a self-professed punk rocker who found Jesus and meandered his way through a small Pentecostal church and into a Calvary Chapel. He winds up in an evangelical mega church in Seattle with a reformed bent. A church, mind you, that has lately disbanded due to problems with its leadership. (While Johnson doesn’t say it plainly, it is hard not to see this as Mars Hill Church and Mark Driscoll.)

Out of this ruin, Johnson emerges — but not untouched by the problems. At times he is painfully honest about his own condition. Jobless, with marital problems, burned out and disillusioned — he doesn’t seem at first glance to be the kind of person who could and should author such a book as this. But his brokenness is appealing, and his message is freeing — both for himself and the reader. He has been wowed by a rediscovery of the free Gospel, unhindered by law. He has left behind a legalistic view of Christianity and found solid ground on which to stand.

The book uses his checkered history as a case study for how false impressions of Jesus can warp our Christianity. To many, Jesus is a Life Coach who may even offer a checklist for how to find a better life now. Or maybe Jesus is a movement leader or visionary who excites people to follow, only to use them as cogs to build his ministry. In all of this, acceptance with God and hope for the future depends on how well you follow the coach, keep the checklist, or contribute to the movement and the vision. And in the end, this approach leads to either pride or despair. You just can’t do it. But if you could, then it’s all you and not Jesus anyway.

The antidote to this problem is understanding the proper role of God’s Law (and the little “l” laws that we often substitute). The Law is meant to kill us and leave us bereft of any hope apart from Christ. It is meant to make the Gospel that much sweeter, and grace so much greater. God loves his Son, and we are united to Jesus by faith. God is pleased with us, we don’t have to earn his favor or maintain our standing through effort. This understanding should lead to humility and real hope.

This is a great message, and yet it can be misconstrued. I don’t get the sense that Matt is saying holy living doesn’t matter — although some could go there if they wanted. And neither does he say that God’s grace does not produce righteousness in us either. But the law/Gospel distinction presented is refreshing, especially for those who have become enamored with the latest movement or visionary leader, and have lost sight of the soul-sustaining power of the Gospel. Johnson is careful to point back to himself as the source of the legalism. There were good people in his previous churches, and even a good church can’t keep a legalist out.

Some will appreciate his authentic and open style. Others may be alarmed at his levity. I winced when I read about he and his Christian friend’s penchant for “sloopersizing” their beer! Johnson’s background leaves him more open-minded on some theological points than some will like: he is rethinking his views on traditional gender roles (complementarianism) for example. He also speaks of Christ’s presence in the weekly communion and how the juice dribbling down his hand reminds him of his need for Christ. This sounds more Lutheran than a typical evangelical is accustomed to. But Johnson’s clarity and openness redeems the book: his insights into contemporary Christianity’s infatuation with morality (“law-lite”) and his prescription for struggling legalists is invaluable.

As a sample of his style, and to end on a positive note, let me share a brief excerpt. Then get this book, especially if you have ever been burnt out, or struggled with legalism. In fact, you can get a copy to give to someone you think may be in that condition — but read it yourself first. I’m sure you’ll benefit as well.

When your life is in the crapper, when your church is torn apart by wolves, God is present even if you can’t see it or feel his presence. I have hope in the trials of life that he still makes beauty out of ashes (Isaiah 61:3). (p. 129)

Book Blurbs:

“This is a fun book to read. More than that, it’s spot-on, filled with the Bible’s central message. Tired of chicken-soup-for-the-soul spirituality? Then read this book!” ~ Michael Horton, Professor of Theology, Westminster Seminary California; cohost, “White Horse Inn” broadcast/podcast

“Because we’ve yawned at the gospel, Jesus has been refashioned into a person who offers more practical help: he’s given to you so that you can love yourself more, be a re­ally great you, and be part of our really great movement. Matt Johnson struggled under the tyrant of that sort of Jesus until he discovered the wonder of the real Jesus—the One who dis­penses both Law and Gospel. This book is a strong antidote to all the ‘wrong’ Jesuses out there. I encourage you to read it and share it with friends. You’ll be glad you did.” ~ Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, author of Because He Loves Me

See more reviews at litfuse.com.

Where to Buy:


This book was provided by the publisher. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

Great Deal on 2 Excellent Guides to Understanding & Applying the Bible

Westminster Bookstore has a great deal on a pair of highly recommended resources for Bible study. How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament by Jason S. DeRouchie and How to Understand and Apply the New Testament by Andrew D. Naselli are new titles from P & R Publishing.

This pair of books both include forewords by D.A. Carson, and each author is a professor at Bethlehem College and Seminary, Minneapolis, MN, founded by John Piper. DeRouchie is Professor of OT and Biblical Theology, and Naselli is Assistant Professor of NT and Theology.

These tools cover everything needed to go from biblical text to Bible lesson or Sunday morning sermon: understanding genre and literary units, delving into textual variants and Bible translation, diagramming/bracketing the passage looking for semantic relationships, word and concept studies, understanding historical and literary contexts, and reviewing biblical and systematic theology implications. The books are written with lay church leaders in mind, avoiding technical jargon wherever possible.

Here is a full description of the books with many of the numerous book endorsements from church leaders. The sale is 45% off individual volumes ($22) and 50% off the set ($40). This fantastic deal ends April 11, 2017.

Sermon Download: This World Is Not Our Home

This past Sunday I was privileged to fill in for our pastor at The Heights Church, St. Paul. The rapid cultural change and uncertain social/political climate formed the backdrop for my sermon.

The text is Hebrews 13:1-16, with special focus on verses 12-14, and the parallel passage of chapter 11:10-16.

I’m sharing the sermon here, and you can find all my recent sermons from The Heights Church, St. Paul, here.

If you don’t have time to listen to the entire sermon (60 minutes), please do look over my notes. May God bless this sermon to all who hear it, for His glory and by His grace.

Place: The Heights Church, St. Paul
Date: July 24, 2016
Title: This World Is Not Our Home
Text: Heb. 13:1-16
Notes: Download PDF
Audio Link: Click to listen (right click to download)

Book Briefs: “Reformation Readings of Paul” edited by Michael Allen and Jonathan A. Linebaugh

Reformation Readings of Paul edited by Michael Allen and Jonathan LinebaughToday is Reformation Day. 498 years ago today, October 31, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the church door in Wittenburg. And the rest is history!

Luther’s theology was born out of a careful interaction with the text of Scripture. Indeed the reading of Scripture played a prominent role in Luther’s conversion and that of many other reformers. Luther’s revelation from his reading of Romans 1:16 is commonly known. Another reformer in England, shares a similar account of his own conversion from reading a passage also written by the Apostle Paul.

Thomas Bilney, who in 1519 obtained an edition of Desiderius Erasmus’s translation of the Bible in order to savor the eloquence of the Latin only to

chance upon this sentence of St. Paul… in 1 Tim 1:15 “It is a true saying and worthy of all men to be embraced, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief and principal.” This one sentence, through God’s instruction… working inwardly in my heart, did so gladden it–which before was wounded by the awareness of my sins almost to the point of desperation–that immediately I felt a marvelous inner peace, so much so that my bruised bones leapt for joy.”

[quote from John Fox’s Actes and Monuments, in Reformation Readings of Paul, p. 15]

This refreshing reminder of the power of Scripture is included in the introduction to a new book exploring the Reformer’s interpretive readings of Paul. Pauline scholarship today is largely skeptical of Luther’s interpretation of Paul. Protestantism in general does not follow all of Luther’s doctrines. We do credit him with the recovery of the gospel of grace, however. Luther’s exact definition of justification, however, is under criticism today by Pauline scholars. Yet more often than not, it is the legacy of Luther rather than Luther’s own interpretations that is disputed. The same can be said of other Reformers as well.

Did Luther really reimagine Paul and make Galatians speak to 16th century problems? Did Calvin read his Reformation era realities back into the Pauline texts he unpacked? Some Pauline scholars would make us think so.

In Reformation Readings of Paul: Explorations in History and Exegesis (IVP, 2015), editors Michael Allen and Jonathan A. Linebaugh take the time to bring the Reformers to life as readers of Paul. The book brings a fresh look at the exegetical readings of Luther and other Reformers, showcases the historical and theological background of their era, and then seeks to bring these insights into conversation with current Pauline studies. This approach “invite(s) the reformers back into the discussion about Paul’s texts and the theology they articulated as a reading of those texts” and is especially helpful given the relative “absence of detailed engagement with the exegesis and theology of the reformers” in contemporary circles (p. 13).

This book may not present a view that all Protestants will agree with, but it will bring us back to engagement with the Reformers. We will learn how Luther read Galatians, and how Romans shaped Philipp Melanchthon’s theology. Martin Bucer and Ephesians, the Corinthian Epistles and John Calvin and finally the Letters of Paul and Thomas Cranmer more generally. In addition to the editors, the following authors contribute to the book: David C. Fink, John M. G. Barclay, Robert Kolb, Mark Seifrid, Brian Lugioyo, Wesley Hill, Dane C. Ortlund, Ashley Null and Gerald Bray.

This volume promises to be an intriguing read and may be worth checking out this Reformation Day. I want to share the takeaway from the introduction:

For the reformers, Scripture is the “living and active” Word… and is therefore less an object for us to interpret than it is the sound of the speaking God who interprets us. Understood this way, Scripture is God speaking, reading is listening, and helpful commentary is simply that which helps us hear. That, in the end, is the criterion the reformers would asked to be judged by: having heard them read Paul, are our ears more open to the gospel he proclaimed–the gospel the reformers, like Paul, were “unashamed” of because they, like Paul, confessed it to be “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom 1:16 KJV)? (p. 19)

Purchase a copy of this book at Amazon.com, Christianbook.com, or direct from IVP.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher. I was under no obligation to offer a positive review.