Book Briefs: “Bible Detective: A Puzzle Search Book” by Peter Martin

Where’s Waldo? Many a child has spent countless hours poring over a large picture book searching in vain for a funny man in a stocking cap, and his companions. Not much was learned in the process, however, and so Peter Martin has set out to change that. Working with illustrator Peter Kent, Martin has created Bible Detective: A Puzzle Search Book, a book that rivals Waldo for fun, but also offers an education in the world of the Bible.

This colorful picture book includes seventeen puzzles with a variety of objects to search for. Women fighting over a well of water, nine yellow frogs, the Tabernacle furniture and Solomon’s baboons–the variety of items to find is incredible. Bible scenes covered include David and Goliath, the census of Bethlehem, the siege of Lachish and Peter in Cornelius’ house. The pictures are engrossing, the artwork detailed and engaging, and the material is true to the biblical period being explored.

Exploring is just the right term to describe how a young reader will feel as he or she peruses through this bright book. And for those who are quick to give up, there is an answer key in the back with all the scenes mapped out. The quality of this book is superb, and Bible references and dates are provided to allow the puzzle being studied to be properly placed in its specific context.

There are a variety of puzzle books that are available for young readers. But there are not many Christian puzzle books produced with this level of attention to detail and quality of workmanship. This book will compete with secular products well, and should enjoy a long press run. For Christian parents seeking to equip their children with any Bible-themed resource available, this book is a must-have. It will appeal to elementary and middle school-aged children, with the older ones more able to appreciate the manners and customs explained. Come to think of it, even high-schoolers could enjoy paging through this book with their younger siblings.

This excerpt from Kregel illustrates the genius of this book. I encourage parents and grandparents to consider adding this book to their Christmas list this year. It is sure to please.

Pick up a copy of this book at any of the following online retailers:, Amazon, or direct from Lion Books (Kregel).

Disclaimer: This book was provided by Lion Books (Kregel Publications). I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

About Book Briefs: Book Briefs are book notes, or short-form book reviews. They are my informed evaluation of a book, but stop short of being a full-length book review.

The Battle of Jericho & the Christian Life: All They Had to Do Was Trust and Obey

I have often found encouragement in the account of the battle of Jericho. The Hebrew people were faced with an obstacle to their possession of God’s promised good land. A fortress city stood in their way. What were they to do? All they had to do was trust and obey God’s direction. It wasn’t by their effort that they would inherit the promised land, it was a matter of God’s grace.

Similarly, in our Christian life, we walk by faith and depend on God’s promise and His action on our behalf. We take Him at His word. We trust and obey. The promised land of sanctification and God’s blessing in our life, comes through His effort not ours. I made this case previously in a post called “Thoughts on the Battle of Jericho.”

Here is a visual depiction of this same important lesson. It comes from an adaptation of The Jesus Storybook Bible, one of our favorite kid’s Bible story books. Tim Keller referred to this book as “a storybook for preachers” and I quite agree. It communicates the heart of the Bible stories powerfully, and highlights the fact that all the stories in the Bible unfold the wonder of Jesus and His love. It has brought tears to my eyes at times, and if you don’t have this book, you really should get it!

Watch the animated story below of the battle of Jericho, and I pray that you and I both will grow in our trust of Jesus Christ, our true Warrior Leader.

For more on The Jesus Storybook Bible visit or preview/purchase the book at the following online retailers: Westminster Bookstore, Monergism Books,, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, or direct from Zondervan.

Book Briefs: “My Pop-Up Bible Stories” by Juliet David

I’ve often wondered why Christian parents are so content to give colorful, captivating books about Disney characters and nursery rhymes to their children, when similar books promoting Bible stories seem to be overlooked. One reason might be how hard it is to find decent Christian books for kids. So often the books one does find are so petty and trite, that it seems pointless to spend more money for them. Instead the cheaper, secular books find their way into our homes.

While it might take a little more effort, collecting Christian resources for our kids is worth it. I’m as guilty as anyone when it comes to taking the easy way out on this. But more and more, there are an increasing number of good Christian books that we can get for our young ones.

Juliet David is a prolific childrens’ book writer and has produced a wide variety of books for little hands and hearts. I’ve reviewed her Candle Prayers for Toddlers book, previously. In My Pop-Up Bible Stories, she offers an engaging and well-produced book that is sure to interest one-three year olds, and their older siblings. Just about any pop-up book will fascinate kids of all ages, but they are so easy to break and tear. This book published by Kregel seems sturdy and durable enough to handle some abuse.

The stories that are included are simple. Baby Moses in his little ark, Daniel in the Lion’s den, Jarius’ daughter rising up when Jesus takes her hand, the shepherd looking for a lost sheep, and Jesus stopping the storm. There isn’t a lot of text included for the stories, but the Scripture references are shared. This approach allows parents to teach the story at the child’s level.

Daniel Haworth has provided engaging and colorful illustrations. My two year old and four year old girls are most interested in this book. While the message is not overtly Gospel-centered, it isn’t just a bunch of fluff either. The stories stick to Scripture but are told at a child’s level. This resource will be a helpful addition to our collection. I’m sure if you have little hands, something like this will come in handy. And there are some good deals on the book available at the links below.

Pick up a copy of this book at any of the following online retailers:, Amazon, or direct from Kregel.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by Kregel Books. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

About Book Briefs: Book Briefs are book notes, or short-form book reviews. They are my informed evaluation of a book, but stop short of being a full-length book review.

“Weight of a Flame: The Passion of Olympia Morata (Chosen Daughters series)” by Simonetta Carr

Book Details:
  • Author: Simonetta Carr
  • Category: Children’s Books
  • Publisher: P & R Publishing (2011)
  • Format: softcover
  • Page Count: 256
  • ISBN#: 9781596381582
  • List Price: $11.99
  • Rating: Highly Recommended

What would it be like to live in the years immediately following the Reformation? How joyful would the discovery of Gospel truth be? Yet, how terrible would it feel to know people close to you, who are suffering for their faith? The turbulent period which followed the Reformation is captured well in a new book by Simonetta Carr.

In Weight of a Flame: The Passion of Olympia Morata (part of the Chosen Daughters series from P & R Publishing), Carr tells the story of a Reformation-era heroine still remembered to this day. Olympia Morata was an Italian tutor and scholar, who embraced the teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin with as much fervor as her professor father. She was fluent in Latin and Greek by the time she was 12, and at 13, she was summoned to the court of the Duke of Ferrara to tutor his eldest daughter, Anna D’Este. Morata developed into a scholar in her own right, lecturing on Cicero and studying philosophy. And she was known for her poetry, having written her own metrical adaptations of the Psalms.

This obscure historical figure is brought to life through the imagination and pen of author Simonetta Carr. Carr weaves us in and out of the tale of Morata’s short life. We share her wonderment at going to court, and learn with her of the terrible plight of French refugees fleeing religious persecution. Morata’s relationship with her father and her family is developed and a romance eventually unfolds.

But the story of Olympia Morata has its dark turns. She encounters suffering martyrs and survives a bout with the black plague. At one point her town is besieged and then sacked, and she and her family run for their lives. And at the young age of 28, she dies.

The author doesn’t leave us with the bare facts of the case. She infuses the story with Gospel hope. The characters rehearse Scriptural promises to each other and find encouragement in the Gospel. And through this fictional account we can imagine what it really would be like to be there in Olympia’s and her husband’s shoes living through these difficult times.

Stories like these can help build the faith of our children. This book, directed primarily to girls, will both educate and inspire them. And the story is written well enough to captivate both children and their parents. As the father of five daughters, I can’t wait to place Weight of a Flame in their hands. I can’t thank the author enough for uncovering another Christian heroine for my daughters to look up to and to emulate. May the hope-filled life of Olympia Morata inspire many chosen daughters to trust the Gospel and risk their lives for the cause of Christ.

Author Info:
Simonetta Carr, mother of eight and homeschool educator for twenty years, has worked as a freelance journalist and a translator of Christian works into Italian. She is the author of the Christian Biographies for Young Readers series.

Where to Buy:
  • Westminster Bookstore
  • Amazon
  • P & R Publishing

Related Media:
  • Book preview
  • Author interview about this book
  • Author’s website
  • Author’s blog

This book was provided by P & R Publishing for review. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

“The Quest for Comfort: The Story of The Heidelberg Catechism” by William Boekestein

Note: A free audiobook of this title is available for download through the Heritage Booktalk blog.

Book Details:
  • Author: William Boekestein
  • Illustrator: Evan Hughes
  • Category: Children’s Books
  • Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books (2011)
  • Format: Illustrated hardcover
  • Page Count: 32
  • ISBN#: 9781601781529
  • List Price: $10.00
  • Rating: Highly Recommended

Growing up, I was introduced to a wide assortment of “heroes of the Christian faith.” But most of them were Americans — pastors, or presidents, or missionaries — and most were from the last two hundred years. As an adult, I came to a deeper appreciation of the Reformation, and I learned about a whole era of church history that was to some degree overlooked in my education. I now appreciate men like John Calvin and Martin Luther for their courage and tenacity, their faith and piety. As I continue to study the Reformation, it’s lesser-known figures are also catching my eye. The work of men whom history has almost entirely forgotten, continues down to this day in such influential church documents as the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Heidelberg Catechism.

In a new book by William Boekestein, the story of the creation of the Heidelberg Catechism is told on a child’s level. The Quest for Comfort: The Story of The Heidelberg Catechism traces the life stories of Caspar Olevianus, Zacharius Ursinus, and Frederick III. These three forgotten men, are the primary authors of the most enduring Reformation era Catechism: The Heidelberg Catechism.

The turbulent period of the Reformation and the fervent faith of these great men are captured well in this short book. Children will see preachers in jail, and Christians in exile — and such realities are sure to encourage reflection and interaction with the story. The book also introduces the Heidelberg Catechism and would serve well as a book to be read alongside a family study of this important catechism.

Young readers will be enthralled by the names of these men, if not their tales. And the pages of this book are fully illustrated with a classic look and rich, full colors which will transport the reader to another age. The deluxe hardback binding will ensure the book stands up to the constant use young minds will make of it.

I would imagine that young readers in the 3rd – 6th grades would be able to read this independently. And children from Kindergarten and up will find the story fascinating. The color pictures make the book ideal even for younger children in a family devotions setting.

I wish as a child I had access to books like this that majored on the Reformation story, and the rich and varied history of the Christian faith. Author William Boekestein has written other tales for children, such as Faithfulness Under Fire: The Story of Guido de Bres (the author of the Belgic Confession). His simple and direct style is suitable for children and I hope he goes on to write many more wonderful tales such as these for children.

I highly recommend this book. Listen to the free audiobook and consider possibly purchasing this book as a special Christmas gift for a young person in your life. You’ll be doing them a big favor and introducing them to the world of the Reformation.

Author Info:
William Boekestein (M.Div., Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary) is pastor of Covenant Reformed Church in Carbondale, Pennsylvania. He previously taught in a Christian school for several years. He and his wife, Amy, have three children.

Evan Hughes is an illustrator and graphic designer. He and his wife, Kate, live in Scranton, Pennsylvania with their two sons.

Where to Buy:

  • Amazon
  • Reformation Heritage Books

Book Trailer:

Related Media:
  • Author interview about this book
  • PDF copy of this review

This book was provided by the author for review. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.