Sharper Iron “Back to School” Book Giveaway

As the book review editor for Sharper Iron, I wanted to spread the word about our “Back to School” Book Giveaway that we’re hosting over at Sharper Iron in the month of September. To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is start a forum thread that someone else finds interesting enough to reply to (comment on). Sharper Iron is both a forum and a blog, and has been a place for safe conversation among mainstream independent fundamental Baptists (IFB) for years. (Although conservative evangelicals are welcome and join the fray fairly often.)

Here are the books we’re giving away, with a little description of each of them. There will be three winners of one copy of all the books described below.

The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind (Moody)

From the publisher’s description:

What is an evangelical . . . and has he lost his mind? Carl Trueman wrestles with those two provocative questions and concludes that modern evangelicals emphasize experience and activism at the expense of theology. Their minds go fuzzy as they downplay doctrine. The result is “a world in which everyone from Joel Osteen to Brian McLaren to John MacArthur may be called an evangelical.”

Fifteen years ago in The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, historian Mark Noll warned that evangelical Christians had abandoned the intellectual aspects of their faith. Christians were neither prepared nor inclined to enter the intellectual debate, and had become marginalized. Today Trueman argues, “Religious beliefs are more scandalous than they have been for many years”-but for different reasons than Noll foresaw. In fact, the real problem now is exactly the opposite of what Noll diagnosed¯evangelicals don’t lack a mind, but rather an agreed upon evangel. Although known as gospel people, evangelicals no longer share any consensus on the gospel’s meaning.

Provocative and persuasive, Trueman’s indictment of evangelicalism also suggests a better way forward for those theologically conservative Protestants once and formerly known as evangelicals.

To learn more about this book, visit the book detail page at Moody. You can preorder the book from: Amazon or

Fools Rush in Where Monkeys Fear to Tread: Taking Aim at Everyone (P&R)

This is another book from Carl Tureman. If you’ve never read a work by Trueman, you’re missing out. Here is the publisher’s book description:

A pithy collection of the best of Carl Trueman’s articles on culture and the church. A compelling, challenging, and sometimes uproarious look at how the world and the church intersect.

Like Luther before him, Trueman understands the power of humor because he understands the absurdity of human self-regard in the context of the fallen world. And like Luther, Trueman shows no mercy, either to his enemies or to himself. His writings are an oasis of welcome wit in what can so often seem like a desert of Protestant pomposity.

To learn more about this book, visit the book detail page at P & R Publishing (which contains a video interview of Trueman on this book), or check out the preview available at Westminster Bookstore, Amazon, or

The Gospel Story Bible (New Growth Press)

The subtitle of this book by Marty Machowski says it all: “Discovering Jesus in the Old and New Testaments.” Here is an excerpt from my book review of this helpful resource for parents and children:

As the father of five daughters, I have had ample occasions to read Children’s Bible storybooks. The majority of such storybooks are quite simple and to the point. They don’t often interact with the story at a child’s level other than to make the tale more imaginative and seem more story-like. Few storybooks really serve believing parents well.

The Gospel Story Bible by Marty Machowski (New Growth Press, 2011) is much different. It is uniquely designed to help facilitate the parents’ task of teaching their children the Gospel, as they recount the various stories in the Bible. The stories include discussion questions at the end, and are usually presented in a fairly straight-forward, stick-to-the-text manner. Sometimes, however, a little more explanation is woven into the story. And each story wraps up with an application to the Gospel or to the flow of redemptive history. The book’s emphasis is on communicating the Gospel intent of the Bible stories rather than on wowing the children and parents with how imaginative a reshaping of the Scriptural story this new storybook can provide.

To learn more about this book, visit the book detail page at New Growth Press, or visit Pick up a copy of the book at Westminster Bookstore, Monergism Books, Amazon, or

The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max (Engage Faith Press)

This may be the most exciting read of the books in this prize pack. It is a three-part ebook adventure story set in the Caribbean and featuring a reluctant missionary hero. Here is an excerpt from my review of this title:

David Livingstone meet Indiana Jones. The famed missionary explorer and the world-renowned, cinematic adventurer come to mind as one reads Andrew Comings’ new book The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max (Engage Faith Press, 2012).

In a fast-paced, engaging manner, Comings masterfully weaves his tale set on the fictional island of Cabrito. Political intrigue, a mysterious past, shady villains and maniacal kingpins — the story doesn’t follow the script one imagines for a typical missionary adventure tale. And Max is no missionary-want-to-be, he comes across as a man’s man who is forced into staying on Cabrito to make a difference.

The twists and turns of the plot, characters with depth and reality, and a locale where almost anything can go, keep one guessing throughout the book. Surprises abound as we come to terms with Max’s true identity, and learn more about his newfound friends. There is a romantic angle, too, but like the rest of the book – its a little complicated.

To learn more about this book and its author (a real life missionary), visit the author’s blog. Pick up a copy of this book at Amazon or Barnes&Noble.

So consider entering our “Back to School” Book Giveaway, you might win!

Author Interview: Andrew Comings on The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max

As a follow up to my recent review of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, I was able to get the author to answer some interview questions. The interview highlights the motives behind this exciting project. Since I’m the book review editor for Sharper Iron, I posted this interview and the review there as well, but I wanted to share it here for my readers.

1) Missionary Max reminds me of part Indiana Jones part David Livingstone yet the book is set in the technologically advanced now. Can you describe some of the backstory to how you came up with such a character?

First and foremost, I wanted Max to be a character that young men could identify with. What boy doesn’t thrill to the harrowing adventures of Indiana Jones? And what missionary better exemplifies the enterprising personality so essential to missions than David Livingston?

And while Max does indeed live in today’s world, he spends most of his time on Cabrito, which lags far behind the rest of the world in technology. The technology gap is a challenge real-life missionaries (especially Americans) face, to varying degrees, every day. Not every mission field is as backward as Cabrito, but some are worse. Cabrito, after all, has at least one functional pay phone.

2) You yourself are a missionary in Brazil, is that right? Does your mission work and cross-cultural experience stand behind this story or were you interested in something like this tale before you ever went to Brazil?

At this point I should make two things clear: 1) The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max is not autobiographical. While some of my life experiences have found their way into the book (you can read about one of those here), the story is pure fiction. 2) Cabrito—the tiny (fictional) island where Max has his adventures—is not Brazil. While there are some similarities (both are former Portuguese colonies and speak the Portuguese language, for example) there are noted differences. My adopted country is an economic and cultural powerhouse, making it’s voice heard on the world stage. Cabrito is a “banana republic” that doesn’t even appear on most maps.

Having said all that, the idea grew on me during our first term in Brazil. I kept hearing people say “missions is an adventure.” It seemed logical to me that every adventure deserves some sort of heroic figure. If archaeologists get their own action hero, why not missionaries? And once my mind began going in that direction, Missionary Max was born.

3) The book seems to be written from a guy’s perspective, and some of the themes, such as the chemistry between Max and Ilana, seem more suited to older teens and adults. What is your target audience for the book?

My target audience is teens to young-adults…especially guys. I remember reading Tarzan books as a kid, and then immediately going out to try my hand at being “king of the jungle” in the little patch of woods behind our house. In a recent documentary it was shown how, after the first Indiana Jones movies were released, there was a spike in the number of young men entering the field of archaeology.

The woods behind my house is far different from Edgar Rice Burroughs’ romanticized Africa, an archaeologist’s work is far different from that portrayed on the screen by Harrison Ford, and my ministry here in Brazil bears little resemblance to that of Maxwell Sherman.

Yet, it is my hope that The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, in presenting somewhat of a romanticized ideal, will stir the hearts of young people—young men in particular—to pursue the genuine article.

4) The book as it stands now, is available in three parts by Kindle ebook. Is it available in other ebook formats and are there any plans for a hard copy version?

It can also be purchased at Barnes & Noble for the Nook. Right now I am writing the second of what will be a total of four Missionary Max books. When those are all released electronically—and depending on their sales performance—the publisher has plans to release a print version that will be an anthology of all four books.

5) What motivates you as a Christian fiction author? And what are you hoping to accomplish through writing?

I love writing. I come from a family that valued the written word (we didn’t even have a TV when I was growing up), and I was never content just consuming…I wanted to produce.

As a Christian author, I would have to say that my greatest motivation is being able to edify my own generation, and those to follow. Every time I pick up something by Spurgeon or Edwards, or even C.S. Lewis, I reflect on how their investment of time and effort while they were alive is still bearing fruit long after their death.

6) As a fan of Missionary Max, I am glad to see you have more adventures planned! But beyond that, do you see any other writing projects in your future?

Right now I’m concentrating on finishing the Missionary Max series. My ministry activities don’t allow me much time to go beyond that. There are some ideas rolling around in my head—perhaps in the future they will see the light of day.

7) As a self-identified fundamentalist, you must be aware of the kinds of books that fundamentalists have written over the years — particularly missionary fiction tales. Does this background factor into your book?

Right off the top of my head, I can think of two positive influences from my formative years. The first were the missionary tales that were often featured in the Sunday School papers printed by RBP (Regular Baptist Press) during my childhood and adolescence. These stories were often presented in serial form, and were exciting enough to keep me coming back for more, well into my teens. I don’t know if RBP still publishes these…but if they don’t, it’s a shame.

The second example is a series of books written by the late Stan Best, Baptist Mid Missions missionary to the Amazon region of Brazil. I read his “Hidden City of the Amazon” series as a teen, and it kept my attention as much as any of the other adventure novels I was imbibing at the time.

To be certain, some other “fundy fiction” leaves much to be desired…but the same can be said for many, many books in the larger Christian fiction genre as well.

8) Are you intending to reach wider circles than just fundamentalist readers?

Yes. I have never had any desire to “preach to the choir.” By God’s grace I will never compromise the fundamentals of the faith, but I do want to present said fundamentals in a way that will cause others—even non-believers—to sit up and take notice.

9) Any thoughts on the unique pressures that come into play as a conservative Christian author?

For me, writing the kind of fiction that I do, the great challenge is to be authentic without being vulgar. For example, how do you make the villain truly and convincingly evil, and yet keep the book inoffensive? Or, even more difficult, how do you describe female dress in a native tribe and not scandalize?

In the next book, one of the subplots is the visit of Max’s American girlfriend Mary Sue—who has grown up in the typical (some will say stereotypical) sheltered, fundamentalist bubble. Like trying to parody a supermarket tabloid, I am finding it difficult to exaggerate some of the outlandish responses I have witnessed by similar people in similar circumstances.

10) Would you have any parting words to leave with our readers, about the importance of cross-cultural missions?

Just that here on the field we notice a steady decrease in the number of new missionaries. This is depressing. Please do not succumb to the false and incoherent idea that there is no more place for American missionaries in fields like Brazil. The job description may not be the same as it was fifty years ago, but there is still plenty of work to be done.

Thanks Andrew, for your time. I know that I’ll be eagerly awaiting the future installments of Max and his astonishing adventures. I hope the series does well and makes an impression on the next generation of young readers, who may very well follow Max (and his author) to the mission field.

Author Information: Born in Ithaca, New York, Andrew Comings visited Brazil for the first time when he was seventeen. He currently serves as a missionary in São Luís, Brazil, with his wife, Itacyara and their two children, Michael and Nathanael.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author for review. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

The book is available from (for your Kindle or in paperback).

Learn more about the book and its author (a real life missionary) at the author’s blog.

“The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max” by Andrew Comings

David Livingstone meet Indiana Jones. The famed missionary explorer and the world-renowned, cinematic adventurer come to mind as one reads Andrew Comings’ new book The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max (Engage Faith Press, 2012).

In a fast-paced, engaging manner, Comings masterfully weaves his tale set on the fictional island of Cabrito. Political intrigue, a mysterious past, shady villains and maniacal kingpins — the story doesn’t follow the script one imagines for a typical missionary adventure tale. And Max is no missionary-want-to-be, he comes across as a man’s man who is forced into staying on Cabrito to make a difference.

The twists and turns of the plot, characters with depth and reality, and a locale where almost anything can go, keep one guessing throughout the book. Surprises abound as we come to terms with Max’s true identity, and learn more about his newfound friends. There is a romantic angle, too, but like the rest of the book – its a little complicated. The book stays suitable for teenagers, and perhaps older elementary children, although some of the themes will be over their heads.

The story is well crafted and one wouldn’t know it is Comings’ first book from reading it. It is a work of Christian fiction, however, and this comes through with its pointed message of forgiveness and reconciliation. And Max even shares his personal testimony in one scene. Yet this aspect of the book isn’t handled in a sloppy manner, and Comings manages to keep the story from becoming preachy in a stilted sense.

Many of us want our lives to count for Christ, and we all experience the struggles that Max does as well. We may not all have a military past that haunts us, but we each have our demons. This may be why this book resonates so deeply with me. Max is an imperfect hero who’s thrust into a situation he couldn’t have foreseen. But at the end of the story we can see that God’s hand is behind bringing many of the disparate threads together.

If you’re looking for some wholesome fiction from a new and rising author, look no further than Missionary Max. I hope the work will span sequels and that it will soon be available in a print format. For now, it is available in three parts at the Amazon kindle store. Its serial release may hamper sales, but the story as a whole really is worth its salt. Help out a new author and take a look at this promising work today.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the author for review. I was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

The book is available from (for your Kindle or on paperback).

Learn more about the book and its author (a real life missionary) at the author’s blog.