A Survey of the Reformation, pt. 2: Forerunners of the Reformation

This Fall, I’m teaching a 10 part Adult Sunday School series called “A Survey of the Reformation: Its History and Doctrine.” This past Sunday’s lesson covered the forerunners of the Reformation. It also sketched out Western church history from around A.D. 1100 through A.D. 1500. Next week we get into the history of the Protestant Reformation itself.

The lesson plan for my series is below, and you can download the audio or view the slides from the first two lessons.


  1. Introduction & An Overview of Church History – Download the Audio, View the Slides.
  2. Forerunners of the Reformation – Download the Audio, View the Slides.
  3. The Protestant Reformation
  4. Puritanism & The Legacy of the Reformers

  6. Reformation Doctrine: The Big Picture
  7. Total Depravity & Irresistable Grace
  8. Unconditional Election & Particular Redemption
  9. Perseverance of the Saints & Answering Objections
  10. The Other “Points” of Calvinism
  11. Why the Reformation Matters Today

If you’re in the Minneapolis area, you can also see the schedule for these lessons at the SS page from our church website for this information as well.

Introducing: “A Survey of the Reformation”

At my church this week, I started a 10 part Adult Sunday School series called “A Survey of the Reformation: Its History and Doctrine.” Here is the schedule of the lessons, and the slides and audio from lesson 1. You can also view the SS page at our church website for this information as well.


  1. Introduction & An Overview of Church History – Download the Audio, View the Slides.
  2. Forerunners of the Reformation
  3. The Protestant Reformation
  4. Puritanism & The Legacy of the Reformers

  6. Reformation Doctrine: The Big Picture
  7. Total Depravity & Irresistable Grace
  8. Unconditional Election & Particular Redemption
  9. Perseverance of the Saints & Answering Objections
  10. The Other “Points” of Calvinism
  11. Why the Reformation Matters Today