Book Briefs: “Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived It” by Adam Hamilton

John Wesley is a pivotal figure in the history of Evangelicalism. His ministry resulted in both the Methodist church and the Wesleyan church. Adam Hamilton, an influential United Methodist Church pastor in Kansas city, takes us on a tour of Wesley’s life and ministry. This tour is replete with photos and recommended stops should the reader actually visit the places in question. The book is more than just a historical survey or tour guide for Wesley’s life. Hamilton aims to go back to the roots as a way of encouraging personal and corporate “revival.”

Hamilton makes clear this is not a biography as such, instead it is a spiritual overview of Wesley’s life and a study of it that is intended to further the spiritual growth of those who read this. The book then functions as a text for small groups or Sunday Schools and is replete with Hamilton’s own personal reflections and insights. That being said, it still gives a good overview of Wesley’s life, and does an admirable job pointing to other resources for further study.

The book is also an advertisement, of sorts, for Methodism. Wesley’s vision and his Church is held up as a standard. A perfect blend of head and heart, evangelism and social concern, conservatism and liberalism. Even those of other traditions can appreciate the desire to paint your own Church in the best light, but this feature of the book will diminish its usefulness in other church contexts. Truth be told, Wesley’s ideas cannot always truly be a “via media” or middle way with the best of both worlds. He did plow his own path, and Methodism does have some deficiencies.

As someone blessed by the Reformed tradition, I found his explanation of Wesley’s stance on prevenient grace and his opposition to Calvinism too simplistic an account of the debate. Intriguingly, while George Whitfield is mentioned as an evangelist who both spurred Wesley on (showing him the usefulness of open air preaching) and yet was influenced by Wesley (as one of the first Methodists), he is not mentioned as an antagonist to Wesley. Whitfield disagreed with Wesley’s stance on grace, holding to a Reformed position. The interaction between Whitfield and Wesley is quite well-known and important historically, yet reading this book would not clue you in that Whitfield and Wesley split over this — and importantly it wouldn’t imply that other good evangelists might conclude differently than Wesley on this point.

All told, the book is a helpful look at Wesley’s life and the inclusion of numerous historical pictures adds to the value of the work. Wesley’s own writing concludes the book as an appendix. His work “The Character of a Methodist” is given and fleshes out the picture of Wesley we find in these pages. Conservative evangelicals and those of Reformed persuasion will perhaps chafe at the unabashed embrace of a social gospel. Hamilton’s seeming desire to include everyone as a preChristian or a Christian diminishes the seriousness of Wesley’s call that we beware lest we find ourselves “almost Christians.” So I recommend the book with some cautions. Still, the book can encourage faith and promote the kind of balance that is helpful for Christians of every persuasion today.

Disclaimer: this book was provided by the publisher for review. The reviewer was under no obligation to provide a positive review.

This book is available for purchase at the following sites:,, or direct from Abingdon Press.

About Book Briefs: Book Briefs are book notes, or short-form book reviews. They are my informed evaluation of a book, but stop short of being a full-length book review.

Book Briefs: “Jonathan Edwards (Christian Biographies for Young Readers)” by Simonetta Carr

Jonathan Edwards (Christian Biographies for Young Readers) by Simonetta CarrThe Christian Biographies for Young Readers series introduces children to key figures from church history. Author Simonetta Carr and illustrator Matt Abraxas offer a compelling and beautiful historical account of the life of each Christian figure profiled in the series. To date, the series includes volumes on John Calvin, John Owen, Augustine of Hippo, Athanasius, Anselm of Canterbury, Lady Jane Grey, John Knox, and now, Jonathan Edwards.

Jonathan Edwards was a giant of man. He is remembered in many fields as a bright mind and a extraordinary thinker. So writing any children’s book which does justice to the real Jonathan Edwards is a tall order. Simonetta Carr proves once again that she is up to the task of balancing historical accuracy and theological acumen with an eye to the attention span of young children.

An account of Edwards’ life is provided with an emphasis on his children, and interesting historical details of the age. His work on how spiders sail through the forest, gliding on air, is sure to capture children’s imagination. The account of Edwards’ ten year old son spending a year away on a mission trip to Indians will demand attention as well. Edwards’ theological contributions are explained but not detailed, and attention is focused on his care of souls and concern for the church.

This book is a joy to page through. Full color illustrations, photographs, portraits and maps, buildings and vistas appear at the appropriate time on each page. After the biographical sketch, a time line of Edward’s life is included, as is an excerpt from a letter to one of his daughters. Also included is a “Did you know?” section for interested young readers. There we learn about how ink was made and quills trimmed for writing. We also find that Edwards had a fondness for chocolate, as a beverage for breakfast.

As a lover of church history, I appreciate Simonetta Carr’s attention to detail and focus on historical accuracy. I learned many facts and saw Edwards in a new light, as a result of this children’s book! I am thankful my children will have an opportunity to learn about Edwards by means of this helpful resource.

This book deserves a place of honor at the coffee table, but might end up in the kids’ bookcase, more often than not. It also should find a place in church or school libraries. If you haven’t picked up a title in the Christian Biographies for Young Readers series, now would be a good time. You won’t be disappointed with Jonathan Edwards. Read also this earlier review of some of the previous titles in the series.

Pick up a copy of this book at any of the following online retailers: Amazon, Westminster Bookstore,, or direct from Reformation Heritage.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher for review. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a positive review.

About Book Briefs: Book Briefs are book notes, or short-form book reviews. They are my informed evaluation of a book, but stop short of being a full-length book review.

“Global Awakening: How 20th-Century Revivals Triggered a Christian Revolution” by Mark Shaw

In many ways, America is a world unto itself. Until some tragedy strikes beyond our borders, we are content to fret about our internal problems and concerns. But more and more the world out yonder is coming in to us. Globalization is forever changing our way of life. And the wide world is ever shrinking.

Almost every social arena is affected by this trend, and the Church is no exception. American Christianity has long prided itself as the beacon of world-wide missions. Yet we still are tempted to think the Church outside our shores stands in need of our American ingenuity. Mark Shaw in Global Awakening: How 20th-Century Revivals Triggered a Christian Revolution reveals how ignorant such a perspective truly is. Missionaries are now flocking to our own shores, and the story of the 20th Century is the world-wide surge of the Evangelical Church.

Some of us may have missed the newsflash. Mark Shaw explains:

When one looks beyond Atlantic shores the most significant change in the world in the last several generations is the broader revival of religion sweeping the southern hemisphere…. To miss the rise and significance of the new World Christianity would be like a concerned Christian in sixteenth-century northern Europe missing Luther and the Reformation. Something that affects the renewal of Christianity worldwide is afoot and no one should miss the party. (pg. 10-11)

From many quarters I had heard of this global renewal of Christianity. Mark Shaw’s book offered the chance for me to sample its various manifestations. Shaw uses eight case studies to illustrate his views of the nature and rise of global revivals. He argues that there are natural and supernatural factors at play. And he utilizes missiological and sociological studies to analyze these movements. Global Christianity, he finds, is less an exported Americanism than an indigenous inculturation of Christianity.

For the average Joe like you and I, his study still offers an accessible look into the variety and vivacity of worldwide Christianity. And to a large degree many of the movements he surveys from Korea and China, to India, Africa and on to South America, are the fruit of earlier mission endeavors.

The author shares what we all can learn from these historical revivals “as we look toward the future of the church” :

The current global awakening needs to shake us from our cultural isolation and obsessions as North American Christians…. What the current global awakening teaches me, however, is that the real emerging church is a wildly global and culturally pluralistic one which moves us toward the vision of 1 Corinthians 12, a body of Christ with many parts each recognizing their global interdependence. The message of global revivals is that God is internationalizing his people and we stand at an Ephesians moment (to use Andrew Walls’s expression) in which the cultural, geographic and political barriers are breaking down in light of the gospel. The current global revivals are not ends in themselves. Their ultimate significance will be seen in multicultural missional churches that seek to change their world in the power of the Spirit and in partnership with the mission of God. (from an Author Q & A provided by IVP)

This book isn’t for everyone. It’s a bit technical and doesn’t develop the stories as much as an average reader might like. Furthermore, Shaw is not as critical of new Pentecostal movements as some might like him to be. Nevertheless it offers a helpful survey of the growth of Worldwide Christianity and serves to enforce the notion that the proper term for such global developments is “revival” . Shaw helps us see that God uses both natural factors and human movements as catalysts in His work of growing His Church.

Ultimately, Global Awakening spurs us American Christians to see beyond ourselves and look for the hand of God in other places around the world. To serve this end I recommend the book for a wide audience.

Pick up a copy of this book at or direct from InterVarsity Press.

Disclaimer: This book was provided by IVP Academic for review. The reviewer was under no obligation to offer a favorable review.

Quotes to Note 17: Jonathan Edwards’ Letter to George Whitfield

I recently picked up, Stephen Nichols’ excellent book Jonathan Edwards: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought (P & R). He gives an overview of Edwards’ life and a summary of his key writings by way of introduction to the study of Jonathan Edwards. In the biography section I came across a true gem. Nichols shared excerpts from a letter Edwards wrote to Whitefield requesting that he minister in Northampton. The letter shows Edwards’ sincere desire for revival and for God to use Whitefield in his own life, family and church. He further requests that Whitefield pray that God would see fit to use Edwards for the cause of Christ as well. Let me share this wonderful excerpt for the blessing of my readers.


My request to you is that in your intended journey through New England the next summer, you would be pleased to visit Northampton. I hope it is not wholly from curiosity that I desire to see and hear you in this place; but I apprehend, from what I have heard, that you are one that has the blessing of heaven attending you wherever you go; and I have a great desire, if it may be the will of God, that such a blessing as attends your person and labors may descend on this town, and may enter mine own house, and that I may receive it in mine own soul.

Indeed I am fearful whether you will not be disappointed in New England, and have less success here than in other places: we who have dwelt in a land that has been distinguished with light, and have long enjoyed the gospel, and have been glutted with it, and have despised it, are I fear more hardened than most of those places where you have preached hitherto. But yet I hope in that power and mercy of God that has appeared so triumphant in the success of your labors in other places, that he will send a blessing with you even to us, though we are unworthy of it….

I fear that it is too much for me to desire a particular remembrance in your prayers, when I consider how many thousands do doubtless desire it, who can’t all be particularly mentioned; and I am far from thinking myself worthy to be distinguished. But pray, Sir, let your heart be lifted to God for me among others, that God would bestow much of that blessed Spirit on me that he has bestowed on you, and make me also an instrument of his glory. I am, reverend Sir,

Unworthy to be called your fellow laborer,

Jonathan Edwards

[Nichols, Jonathan Edwards: A Guided Tour of His Life and Thought ( P & R Publishing, 2001), pg. 55)]

Great Read on George Whitefield

I recently read an excellent overview of George Whitefield‘s life and influence.

Apparently, he surpasses Charles Spurgeon when it comes to his preaching and lasting influence. 80% of the population of the American colonies heard him preach at least once, and he also ministered extensively in the British Isles.

His prominence stems solely from his passionate commitment to Christ and the gospel, rather than from any books or organizations he left us. He was truly a servant of Christ.

In all the political thoughts, take time to focus on Christ. If you have a little bit of time, contemplate Whitefield.

Other resources for additional study include:

Picture borrowed from Wikipedia article on Whitefield.