A New Dynamic for Reforming Fundamentalists

Change is underfoot at the group blog of reforming fundamentalists that I contribute to. Fundamentally Changed (subtitled Fundamentalists Who Are Fundamentally Changed, Yet Fundamentally The Same) will be moving to a new website: re-fundamentals.com soon, and we’re changing the name to Re: Fundamentals.

Rather than just focusing on the errors of fundamentalism today, we want to reform, revitalize and renew an emphasis on the original fundamentals. We’re hoping for a Fundamentalism 2.0 you could say.

The new blog will focus more on a positive stance for the fundamentals of the faith, and will flesh out how that impacts the church today. We hope to tackle some contemporary issues and offer a blueprint of sorts for how the church can move forward, taking the best of what was fundamentalism with it.

In this vein, we’ve been sharing some principles that form a new dynamic for where we want the blog and the conversation to shift. Here are the links if you care to check it out.

2 thoughts on “A New Dynamic for Reforming Fundamentalists

  1. Good idea, Bob! It’s time to peal the onion layers back so that we can get down to the essential core of what it means to be a fundamentalist. A lot of deep thought and discussion needs to take place to (re)determine what exactly the fundamentals are, and then to so plumb the depth of those core cardinal doctrines as to re-introduce fundamental orthodox Christianity. With the proliferation of (false and true) information out there, due to the internet and post-modern influences in society, there’s never been a better time to replant the flag, as it were.

    I’m looking forward to the new site!


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