“What’s in the Bible?” DVDs by Phil Vischer

As a father, I’m always looking out for wholesome programming for my children. My kids have enjoyed VeggieTales, so I was intrigued when I heard that VeggieTales creater Phil Vischer, had developed a new series: “What’s in the Bible?”. When I got my review copy, I was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t expect to like the series this much!

The new episodes feature muppet-like puppets, animation and interaction with Phil personally. The characters are varied including, a “Sunday School lady”, an anchor man “Buck Denver”, and more. Phil and the characters teach the storyline of the Bible.

In the Beginning, focuses on what the Bible is, and the first half of Genesis. Let My People Go covers the call of Abraham through the end of Exodus. The varied segments, enjoyable characters, unique settings, and the fast-paced teaching combine to capture the attention of kids. Several puns are appreciated by older viewers as well. My kids were spellbound.

More important in my estimation is how the emphasis is on the Bible’s overall story, rather than the heroics of the Biblical characters. The DVDs don’t hone in on how much faith Abraham had and the suffering of Joseph. Instead they tell the larger story, the meta-narrative, of the Bible. This is the “story of redemption” . Important themes are also addressed. Salvation, redemption, atonement, forgiveness” these basic Christian doctrines are explained.

At times, difficult questions (like canonization and the Apocrypha) are explored in a somewhat simplistic manor. But the fact that the show would address such matters gives insight into its aim. These DVDs aren’t about simple entertainment, they aim to instill an affection for the “story of redemption” in the hearts of our children. I recommend them highly.

My thanks go out to Tyndale House for providing me with an advance review copy of the DVDs. I was not obligated to give a favorable review.

Be sure to watch the trailer for a preview. Visit whatsinthebible.com or Tyndale House for more information. You can pick up a copy at your local Christian bookstore, or through Amazon.com.

Don’t forget to enter my free contest for a gift certificate for a free copy of both of the first 2 DVDs in the What’s in the Bible series. Contest closes Friday night, 3/19/2010.

One more thing, you can download coloring sheets for the characters in the DVD here [.zip file].

7 thoughts on ““What’s in the Bible?” DVDs by Phil Vischer

  1. Thank you for posting this! I’m sure that my grandchildren will love this. I’ve posted this on my Facebook status since I have many younger friends with children.

  2. I just “discovered” this series and posted a review on my site. While I didn’t appreciate some of the humor (a few references to underpants), I did find that DVD 4 was largely informative and helpful.

    One question I have about the first DVD…I keep coming across posts where people are discussing the fact that the Big Bang theory was discussed and promoted. Can you put this into context for me? Can it serve as a catalyst for discussion with our kids about people who believe differently and the effect that has on our view of Scripture?



    1. Elizabeth,

      I don’t remember that being the case. I think it might be part of a little song that’s fun. I’d have to go back and watch it again, but it sticks closely to the Biblical record.

      It does say the seven days may not be literal, that there is some debate on that point, but it doesn’t endorse the Big Bang.

      They do try carefully to teach and not be dogmatic on questionable points – more so than other kids Bible DVDs, in my opinion.

      Parents should always own the teaching of their children and be aware of the content of the books/DVDs they are exposed to. Sounds like you are that kind of parent.

      I think you’ll like the teaching and the questions this series will bring up.

      Blessings to you in Christ,


  3. Although funny and informative, Vischer is not Reformed in his thinking. Go back and notice all the “free will” dogma he pushes, not only in video #1, but also in #4. He makes a big deal out of making sure the kids know it’s all about God taking a chance by letting his creatures decide if they will love Him or not. God doesn’t take chances. He plans. He foreordains. He wills. And, He accomplishes His infinitely wonderful purpose for His people. Any other view of God portrays Him as weak, not Sovereign. It’s true that we call upon the Lord, but that’s because of His working, because of His grace. He deserves all the credit and glory for this. We can’t take a bit.
    Another thing that makes me cringe in watching these videos with my children is sometimes the humor is joking about very serious matter–like substitutionary atonement. There’s nothing funny about that, and to insert it into a joke makes light of the most intense and sacred sacrifice by our dear Lord. We have to be very careful when it comes to joking about what our Savior did–there’s just no place for that.

    1. Thanks for your helpful cautions, Rachael. This won’t be for everyone. I found the humor tasteful enough and measured enough that given the proper parental controls it could still be useful. I have only seen the first two videos in the series so I can’t speak beyond that.

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