D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Unity across Eschatological Positions

We’ve been discussing whether eschatological positions should hinder our unity in a local church, or beyond. Mark Dever recently challenged pastors to not let this hinder unity, even calling doctrinal statements that detail a specific millennial position, sinful.

In light of all this, I was struck when I read the following words from Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in a book I finished this weekend. Speaking on the phrase “let all things be done with charity” (1 Cor. 16:14), he addresses the question at hand directly.

In standing fast in the faith, if we are not animated by the spirit of love, we may not always differentiate as we should between faith in its essence and certain peculiar interpretations and expositions of our own. Here is a theme which might very easily occupy our minds on many occasions. There is nothing so tragic, I sometimes think, in certain circles as the way in which men fail to differentiate between that which is of the essence of the faith and certain other matters about which there can be no certainty. You cannot, I am told, be a member of the World Fundamentalist Association unless you believe in the “pre-millennial” return of our Lord and if you happen to be a “post-millenarian” you cannot be a Christian! If you are an “a-millenarian” you are just unspeakable. There you have an illustration of the importance of differentiating between the essence of the faith and the interpretation of a particular matter about which there has always been a difference of opinion. There is the same difference of opinion as to when the rapture of the saints is to take place. Men separate from each other about matters of that nature, where there is no certainty, and where there can be no certainty, though the return of the Lord is certain. Who can decide who is right, whether those who hold the pre-millennial, or those who hold the post-millennial view? I could mention great names on both sides, equally expert theologians. Surely these are matters where there can be a legitimate difference of opinion. Let us bear in mind the adage: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” “Stand fast in the faith.” Yes, but in a spirit of love.

[from The Christian in an Age of Terror: Selected Sermons of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones 1941-1950 (previously unpublished sermons, edited by Michael Eaton) — Kregel, pg. 264 ]

I think we see Lloyd-Jones agreeing with Dever here. As for me, I think we should leave the question open for membership, but we can define what our church will teach. But as we teach we should be careful with how we deal with opposing views.

I think this does shape how we approach Scripture (or how we approach Scripture shapes this issue). So it is emphatically important. But we should be careful to elevate our preferences and doctrinal conclusions on a matter that is not crystal clear, over and above the points of doctrine which are universally held and powerfully clear. When you elevate every position to the place of major doctrine, you minimize what Scripture presents as truly central.

6 thoughts on “D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Unity across Eschatological Positions

  1. This is a much needed discussion. MLJ is one of my favorites and again he does not disappoint. On my blog, for instance, the contributors consist of a postmillennialist (me), an amillennialist and a premillennialist. We all love Christ, hold to the inerant and infallible word of God, and get along just fine.

  2. My pastor explained all three perspectives, explained which one he leans toward, and then jokingly said that he is a “pan-millennialist: it’ll all pan out in the end”.

  3. Yea, I love the “pan-millennial” line. R.C. Sproul has been quoted as saying, “When it comes to eschatology, I land like a butterfly with sore feet.”

  4. Hi
    thanks for the blog!
    Can you tell me which year that sermon was preached in that Lloyd-Jones spoke like that about Eschatology?
    Thanks brother…
    In Him

  5. I believe it was August 1942, Tom.

    It was either 1942 or 1943, the book’s a little unclear, but I think it is 1942.

    Hope that helps.

    Blessings in Christ,


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