Beginning with Moses

I just added a new blog to my blogroll. Beginning with Moses is an excellent resource for all things Biblical Theology, with an emphasis on redemptive historical hermeneutics. The website houses lots of articles on various topics, majoring on Biblical Theology, primarily. And the blog provides updates re: new articles on the site, and etc.

One of their recent posts was on Song of Solomon. I haven’t taken the time to read the whole 70 page paper, but the conclusion resonates with me. In a previous post, The Gospel According to Solomon, I argued that the Song should be interpreted in light of Christ and the Church. The post at BeginningwithMoses, agrees.

This may not be currently popular in academia (see Vern Poythress’ comments to the same in this post), but I believe it is the correct emphasis for our interpretation.

Go check out Beginning with Moses, the blog and the site, and it will be worth your time.

3 thoughts on “Beginning with Moses

  1. “I argued that the Song should be interpreted in light of Christ and the Church. ” I am sure this is an endless argument. But I don’t agree with the idea that every verse in the Old Testament is to be interpret in light of Christ and the Church. While I agree the Old Testament theme is the coming of Christ, but not all that God would have us to know about life and Himself.

  2. Charles,

    I encourage you to read the my Gospel according to Solomon post. I’m not claiming every verse should be twisted to refer exactly to Christ. But the presence of the Song in the canon seems to imply something more than just a “how to” manual for marriage. The Bible isn’t written for us to know how to succeed in life, although it does give pointers in that regard. It is written to tell God’s story and declare God’s truth.

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