A Call to Stand

I apologize for the scarcity of posts around here of late. It’s been a very busy few weeks and on top of it all I can’t shake this cold. I thought I would at least highlight the recent Desiring God Conference, although I’m sure many of my readers know of the free audio/video from it already.

Recently we’ve been discussing Man-Centered Christianity and specifically the doctrine of perseverance. This year’s Desiring God Conference which ended Sunday, was devoted to that same theme.

It was entitled “Stand: A Call for the Perseverance of the Saints“. Randy Alcorn, John MacArthur, Jerry Bridges, John Piper, & veteran missionary Helen Roseveare were the speakers. And all the messages and panel sessions are now available online for free. You can view message summaries or download the audio or video of each message. You can also listen/watch online. Just click here, for access to all the messages.

If you’re interested, all the messages from the Desiring God Conferences (2003-2007) and the Bethlehem Baptist Conference for Pastors (1988-2007) are now available online for free at DesiringGod.org. Just click here for a complete listing of Conference titles, with links to the messages.