On My Cross — FFH

With Easter upon us, I thought it would be good to post the lyrics of a song about the Cross. This particular song is very moving and thoughtful, as it focuses on Jesus’ suffering for each of us personally “” He died on our cross.

The song is by the group that also gave us another great song about the cross: “Still the Cross”. If you click on that link, you will see my post about that equally good song.

May you be blessed by the message of this song.


On My Cross

By Jeromy Diebler

Verse 1

How wide is Your love
That You would stretch Your arms
And go around the world
And why for me would a Savior’s cry be heard

I don’t know
Why You went where I was meant to go
I don’t know
Why You love me so


Those were my nails
That was my crown
That pierced Your hands and Your brow
Those were my thorns
Those were my scorns
Those were my tears that fell down
And just as You said it would be
You did it all for me
After You counted the cost
You took my shame, my blame
On my cross

Verse 2

How deep is Your grace
That you could see my need
And chose to take my place
And then for me, these words I’d hear You say

Father no
Forgive them for they know not what they do
I will go
Because I love them so

Words and Music by Jeromy Diebler.  © 2001 New Spring Music (admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing Inc.). Recorded by FFH on the CD “Have I Ever Told You”. All rights reserved. CCLI song # 3438028.

To listen to this song, click on the link at the bottom of this post. There is also a challenging video to watch (with crucifixion scenes and Bible verses, etc.) that also plays this song in full in the background.

For a preview of the sheet music, click here (to purchase the sheet music click here). To purchase the CD, click here. For a link to a brief background to the song, on FFH’s website, click here.
On My Cross by FFH

One thought on “On My Cross — FFH

  1. Excellent song with an excellent message! I led our choir in singing that very song yesterday. I pray that the message was clear.

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